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View Full Version : New maps in CVS?

05-28-2002, 06:12 AM
I was just wondering if all these new maps that Mr. S and others are posting are going to end up in the cvs. I only ask because it would be a pain to grab all these new files to have them overwritten with a cvs update. I used to add my own map locations until I realized the cvs was overwriting them.

Thanks for the great work to those who are editing maps.

Mr. Suspicious
05-28-2002, 06:29 AM
Uptill now I just made a posting of proposed changes to the patch section. This aternoon I found this message:


That suggests it's possible to supply a patch suggestion "back to cvs" or something, CVS is still Abracadabra to me.l... I'm still decoding what's mentioned there (between finishing reading "Linux for Dummies" and reading "More C++ for Dummies" ~ halfway through now)

Anyone know if there's a CVS fo dummies aswell? =P

05-28-2002, 07:35 AM
Search the forums for "patch" there is an excellent thread written about patching... you can also find information behind the (*gasp*) "patches" link above... or at www.cvshome.org....


05-28-2002, 10:34 AM
Uh oh, Jeeves giving search advice to Mr. S.

*pulls up a chair to watch the carnage*

Just kidding guys, I think I have learned as much about *nix and places to go to learn more about *nix on these boards than I have in my time as an admin. Well, maybe not quite, but you know what I mean. :)

Mr. S, for a guy who just picked up Linux a few weeks ago you answer as many questions here as anyone. Want a job? I'm hiring. :D