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View Full Version : Spawn Points

06-06-2002, 11:36 AM
Is it possible for the spawn points to save the respawn timer so that when you zone in, it only takes 1 cycle to get the timer going?

I exp in velks a lot and it takes almost an hour or sometimes more for everything to fall into place. If the spawn time is saved, should take a max of 30 minutes... If a mob is up when you zone in, it could already have the timer as soon as it dies.


06-06-2002, 11:00 PM
I could see this once the mob spawns again and dies. But when you zone in and it dies I'm not sure if that would work. I might work if the mobs were static. (Meaning they dont move arround) But if they move from spawn point you would need to wait for another spawn.

Hopefully this could be added to the next patch.

Another thing I would like to see is a spot where .sp files were posted. That way when I zone in I allready have a complete or mostly complete spawn table.

Just me rambling about things I dont really know so if this cant happen dont go flameing me. I like it too much!:eek: