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View Full Version : Linux box no ip address

06-08-2002, 05:57 PM
Ok I've done some searching and looking and I saw someone say that modem>hub then hub>eq box >linux box with no ip. Now it was said that this configuration works. However does this configuration work when your ISP uses only DHCP. And per say if their DHCP gives your EQ box an address of and you set your linux box as showeq -i eth0 Now will seq be able to sniff packets coming off of the EQ box.

Mr. Suspicious
06-08-2002, 08:01 PM
Why don't you just try if it works first and then if it doesn't, do a serach, try to find previous asked questions to fix it and when that doesn't work ask specific questions?

06-09-2002, 10:57 AM
I believe you may be referrign to a post I made in this thread:


If so, I did not say that the Linux box should have no ip, I said it should be a non-routable ip. If you gave your Linux box a routable, valid IP address in your ISP's range, but didn't get it from them you could run into address conflict problems with another user. If you give your Linux box a 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x address, and it's plugged into the same hub as your EQ box, you should be fine.