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View Full Version : QT conflicts with KDE

06-13-2002, 03:27 PM
I thought I'd mention this because I just ran into this problem.. I'm running Mandrake 8.1, base install, with KDE as the WM... after loading up X and everything, I compiled QT and ShowEQ and played the game for awhile not thinking anything would go wrong again. Today I shut down the machine to put a new stick o' ram in it, turned it back on, and BAM.. undefined reference errors in the .xsession-errors file.

So I went back and thought of what had changed, and said "You know, I had an awful lot of trouble getting ShowEQ to compile because of Undefined References, so I'll say this is a Library issue.. the only library I installed was QT, so lets get rid of the stuff pointing to it" And I delted the QTDIR, etc from the profile... and look at that.. it worked again.

So if anyone has that issue, that'sa how to fix it, but I wonder how I can get my new QT libraries compatible with stuf fon my system already... I don't like having two sets of libraries ;)

I'm going to have to recompile KDE with the QT 2.3.2 libraries aren't I?

06-13-2002, 04:12 PM
KDE compiled with QT 2.3.2 with gcc3, or have two versions of QT on the system. The ones that came with the system that KDE is meant to use and the ones that SEQ needs. Remove the reference from your login to the SEQ only QT and create a new script that you'll use from within X to set those variables only for SEQ





06-13-2002, 05:11 PM
well actually, since it's already compiled with the 2.3.2 libraries SEQ seems to know where to find the ones it wants.
SO like I said before: after removing the new reference, KDE runs and so does ShowEQ.

It's just a shame KDE won't run with newer libraries.
But it's not really a problem stopping me from anything.

06-13-2002, 06:47 PM
kde runs with qt-2.3.2 just fine, what it DOESN'T run with is the fact that YOUR qt-2.3.2 is compiled with gcc-3.0 (or 3.1). for the same reason that showeq and qt-2.3.2 have to be compiled with gcc-3.1, kde (and its qt-x) has to be compiled with plain old gcc-2.95/6. its just the way things work.

if you took a distro like gentoo, and compiled EVERYTHING with gcc-3.1 you would not have that issue at all AND you would only need one qtdir (well, you might end up with a qt-2.3.2 and a qt-3.0.4).