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06-16-2002, 01:24 PM
Bug in the corpses when an NPC dies? It seems that when an NPC dies, the loc for that corpse is reversed when placed on the map. After the corpse is dragged once, everything goes back to normal.

Bug? I thinin so...

06-16-2002, 06:33 PM
you said NPC, but you mention dragging... do you mean PC? if so, then it could be just that you were not close enough to the dead person to be getting location packets. i'm not sure if eq sends location information for when a person dies. if it ONLY sends something which says "xxx died" then seq is just going to make him a corpse the last place it knew he was... then, when it gets dragged the "real" location is known. you can get the "real" location of a body by logging in and out as well (or zoning out/in).

06-17-2002, 11:28 AM
Out of curiosity, do you (or anyone else) know if the Locate Corpse spells will update the location of the corpse on the map? If so, will it only update on SEQ if the person casting the Locate Corpse spell is the one running it? If it hasn't been tested, I might do a little bit of testing on this... Sometimes it's not feasable to logout/in or zone when trying to find a corpse. Then again, someone with Locate Corpse wouldn't always be available perhaps either. Just a bit of curiosity on this matter, because, well, I just like to know ;) If anyone has had experience with this updating the corpse location , your input would be appreciated... Worst case scenario, if someone with Locate Corpse is available, just run in the direction they point until you get close enough for the corpse to update... Thanks in advance.

06-17-2002, 12:50 PM
Ack, Yes, I mean PC corpses. Sorry, my bad.

/em reading rest of replys now.

Okay, I read the rest.

Apperently SEQ is getting updates on PC corpses everytime they die. I've been able, being on the other side of the zone, give exact locs to people's corpses, and not people that are in my group.

I've noticed in places like ToV, when another raid wipes out, I get tons of "NPCs looking" corpses way off the map ( some times ). Turns out they are the full raid party.

So, SEQ is getting this corpse information and updating it on death, unfortunatly it seems that it's reversing the X and Y cordinates.

Surely I'm not the only one that's seeing this? It happens in every zone, Sebilis and ToV are ones off the top of my head where PC corpses will show "off map", until they are dragged atleast once.

06-17-2002, 02:25 PM
I've noticed this also, and until now, haven't thought it might just be as simple as X and Y being backwards on that part of the code.

And yes, as soon as you drag it once, it updates the correct part on the map. Seems to be a bug on the reporting of coordinates when a mob or player dies.


06-17-2002, 04:22 PM
i still really think that it is related to the fact that you do NOT get player updates UNLESS you are a.) grouped with them b.) near them or c.) JUST zoned in and got their position / heading. it is very likely that when a pc dies, their position is NOT sent unless a or b is true.

my validation for this is as follows:

many times, i've been in raids or groups where a player's body will disappear. i KNOW its at the safe spot in the zone because i have seq, but sometimes people can still SEE the body where they died AND target it. but they cannot drag or rez them (to far away). variations of this "issue" have happened around and to me many times in the past. in hate, chardok and other places. i KNOW where the body is because i log out/in, but people who haven't done this can either see or not see it. sometimes its really right in front of them, but they can't see it and i can.

anyway, just my 2 cents. i don't think that "they" would go against their existing way of doing things. pc's are only given position updates in a few situations, corpses are probably the same. a bard or necro could (dis)prove this easily, assuming you could catch the problem AND have a nec/bard that has not zoned in or out right after the death :)

06-17-2002, 07:16 PM
I've sent a bard out once using the X Y flip cords for the corpse and he went right to it.

SEQ Is getting updated on PC corpses. Take a look around too, we are also getting updated on PC Locs in large zones.

Need to know where you 2nd acc in but he's not grouped? Sit and stand, POP, on SEQ :)

With recent packet changes to EQ, VI did alot of changes.