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06-17-2002, 04:18 AM
the time 3:10 AM
i have been working on very little sleep for the last 72 hours
being a windows baby i didn't have a clue, and for the most part i still dont
the word on this board have gotten me pertty far after reading all the bacis commands i could find and serching for hours for the right FO&*ing rpms now i can only laugh at my misstakes
the error reads
ERROR: something wicked happened while trying to validate your Qt installation!!! Please verify your libraries

LOL i almost died luaghing what kinda error message is that ??
any help on the the issue ?
hopfully i'll find it before someone stumbles across this post and being play EQ again, but for other other peeps that get this error so they'll know what to do =)

06-17-2002, 05:52 AM
gah i needed to install qt-2.3.2 from trolltech.com ok thats all fine and dandy but when i get to ./configure i'm given the error stating that i have not yet set th $QTDIR, or rather that its still set to /usr/bin/qt-2.3.2
whats up wit dat ?

06-17-2002, 06:10 AM
I suggest reading one of the guides on this board. Several of them mention abouting how to configure Qt and compile it with g++3. Basically you forgot to set the QTDIR environment variable. If you forgot to setup QTDIR you probably also didn't do a few of the specific steps that people should do when compiling Qt for ShowEQ. So please read them.

Generally if you get an error out of configure the exact error that caused the configure error is found in config.log. so, please, in the future look at that and if you post attach it to the post (I'd suggest compressing it first with gzip: 'gzip config.log' which will generate 'config.log.gz' which you can then attach to a post).

Zaphod (dohpaZ)

06-17-2002, 11:46 PM
i'm searching for this file where might i nab it from for the reference of whats going wrong, but i can't seem to find

gah linix is so cryptic ! :confused:

Mr. Suspicious
06-18-2002, 02:29 AM
when i get to ./configure i'm given the error stating that i have not yet set th $QTDIR, or rather that its still set to /usr/bin/qt-2.3.2 whats up wit dat ?

Did you follow the setup explained in the INSTALL.newbies (http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/seq/showeq/INSTALL.newbies?rev=1.2&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup) (found in your $path/showeq/ directory)? Escpecially the "export CC, export CXX and export QTDIR" commands?

i'm searching for this file where might i nab it from

Amongst other commands you can use:

[]#find / -name config.log -print

to find a specific file in your system.


[]#find --help
[]#man find

for documentation about the find command.

gah linix is so cryptic !

Just because you are unfamiliar with an operating system, doesn't mean it's cryptic. I'd say, it's straight forward, especially compared to Windows, where everything you need to change can only be done going into the registry and adding a line of "^*U%%VJFBKUBYTNJJ<" to a certain keyvalue.

Good place for looking for information about the operating system would be the Linux.org HOWTO's:




or the Linux-sxs.org STEP-BY-STEPS at


06-18-2002, 03:37 AM
after about three hours of bad command dream sleep, to wake up and find a replay as informitive as this really kick ares thank you..
and as to my linux bashing, please dont tke it to heart, all i have ever known is dos-windows i'd like to say i know it pretty well. but making this switch is like moving to mars for me. it will just take time and ALOT of reading. luckily you hooked up the reading :)

06-18-2002, 05:01 AM
this error comes right after the "make: command is entered
make [1] entering directory '/usr/lib/qt-2.3.2
cd src/moc; make
make [2] entering dirctory '/usr/lib/qt-2.3.2/src/moc'
g++ -c -i/usr/lib/qt-2.3.2/inculde/ -wno-unused -wno-parentheses -pipe -02 -wall -w -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -i../../inculed -i../tools -i. -o mocgen.o mocgen.cpp
in file inculed from /usr/inculed/bits/posix1_lim.h:126,
from /usr/inculed/dirent.h:209,
from ../tools/qfledefs_p.h:68
from moc.y:67
/usr/incule/bits/local_lim.h:36:26 linux/limits.h: no such file or directory
y.tab.c:in function 'int yyparse()';
y.tab.c:3102: warning: suggest around assingment used as truth
y.tab.c:3150: warning: lable 'yyerrlab' defined but not used
y.tab.c:3145: warning: lable 'yynewerror' defined but not used
/usr/lib/qt-2.3.2/incule/qlist.h: at top level:
mocgen.cpp:3: warning: 'char yysccsid[36]' defined but not used
make[2]: ***mocgen.o Error 1
make[2]: leaveing directory '/usr/lib/qt-2.3.2
make: *** [init] Error 2

am i right in thinking that this time its a lill bit more complex ?
or is it still rpm stuff
the sofware package installer doesn't see the rpms i have installed, but if i type in "rpm -qa | grep gcc
and the same for libgcc
it shows all that is needed to be there
well looks like i'm going to get that crash course in linux i always wanted but have been too lazy to do. seem as tho after i finnally get one error taken care of i have one more waiting

06-18-2002, 05:21 AM
I have installed the .tar.gz archive, and I have problem compiling Qt!

If you are not going to do any programming with Qt, e.g. if you are just going to run KDE etc., you don't really need to install the source archive. You should check with your operating system vendor if they provide a pre-compiled package of Qt Free Edition. Such packages are usually much easier to install and fit well into your system. At least all major Linux and FreeBSD vendors/distributors provide this, downloadable from their web site.

this was taken from the trolltech site install FAQ
i would much rather do any programing on a windows based system, so is QT from troll tech the only option there is ?

06-18-2002, 11:18 PM
still compileing qt-2.3.2
all of these have this DIR in front


after about 15 mins into make i get
undefined refernce to "FT_init_freetype"
undefined refernce to "FT_load_glyph"
undefined refernce to "FT_done_face"
undefined refernce to "xrenderfreepicture"
undefined refernce to "FT_get_char_index"
undefined refernce to "FT_outline_translate"
undefined refernce to "FT_set_charmap"
undefined refernce to "xrenderCompositestrin"
undefined refernce to "xreanderFindvisualform"
undefined refernce to "FT_outline_get_bitmap"
undefined refernce to "xrenderSetpictureclip"
undefined refernce to "xrenderCreateclyphset"
undefined refernce to "FT_Vector_transform"
undefined refernce to "FT_Set_Char_Size
undefined refernce to "FT_set_transform"
undefined refernce to "xrendercompositestrin"
undefined refernce to "xrenderAddglyphs"
undefined refernce to "xrenderchangepicture"
undefined refernce to "xrenderfindformat"
undefined refernce to "FT_new_font
undefined refernce to "xrendercreatepicture"
undefined refernce to "xrenderfreeglyphset"
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: *** [githreads] Error 1
make[3]: leaving directory '/usr/lib/qt-2.3.2/exmples/guithreads'
make[2]: ***[src-mt] Error 2
make[2]: leaving directory '/usr/lib/qt-2.3.2'
make[1]: ***[src-mt] Error 2
make[1] leaving directory '/usr/lib/qt-2.3.2'
make: *** [init} Error 2

thats the bull jive...
any comments, helpful coments and i will be grantful.. untill then i will keep seaching for the fix

Mr. Suspicious
06-19-2002, 05:03 AM
Judging from the function calls, I'd make a wild guess (hard to see what your actual problem is, because you post different errors in different threads. This way you make it impossible to recognise what you fixed and what not.

My Guess: You didn't install the X delevel packages. Please, please, please, please consult the INSTALL.newbies (http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/seq/showeq/INSTALL.newbies?rev=1.2&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup) file for what packages you ABSOLUTELY NEED to have installed.

06-19-2002, 06:04 AM
didn't install mandrake 8.2 defultly installed 4.2.0-3
but the devel rpm installed fine ..
i tried doing the configure with -ik
ignore errors and i think keep going some thing like that but it worked and i went on to makefile.dist went fine then on to ,.configure and Qt passed with out error.. very strange..
but at las i came to what i'm hoping will be my last error libpcap
pcap_open_live in libpcap read install file
downloaded extracted libpcap-2002.06.18

ran configure errors with gcc not being able to create exes ..
what i'm guessing here is that some how is looking for gcc stuff in the wrong place, anyone know what file to edit to give the right path or at lest check? maybe an export thingy

good night

Mr. Suspicious
06-19-2002, 06:13 AM
You're going waaaaay to deep. Making a HUGE difficult problem from something simple due to doing X, doing Y, following steps not as stated in the INSTALL document and creating a very difficult thing for yourself.

You installed the XFree-lib.. how about the XFree devel? Just install ALL packages mentioned in the INSTALL.newbies documents.

06-19-2002, 07:09 PM
ok i screwwed up i followed the redhat install guild and not mandrake...
so i formatted reinstalled mandrake and started over follow the mandrake guild word for word qt-2.3.2 just finshed its thing wit out a hitch !!

06-19-2002, 09:46 PM
i got it installed and it runs but does notting at all
i'm thinking that the ip i have set isn't the right one here what my network looks like

CABLE MODEM > gateway > hub > | hub then goes to the two other computers
hub is a netgear 4 port
now is the ip i listen on the ip from the cable modem or the ip from the hub ??

06-19-2002, 10:59 PM
1) The hub doesnt have an IP

2) You need to listed to the IP of the EQ machine (PLEASE, for god sake, read the docs, you have been posting non-stop over the past few days, and all of your questions are readily answered in the docs).


06-21-2002, 05:49 AM
ok theirs two NIC cards in my gateway one goes to the cable modem one goes to the hub. the hub nic pulls an IP from the hub, the cable NIC pull an IP from the server i connect to. so both NIOC cards have their very own IP addys. but anywho this does matter to me
YES RTFM was what i needed to do better yet reading (the right) fuck manual...
as it turns out i was reading the guild for redhat.. and should have been reading the one for mandrake

after that i loaded both my window boxes into EQ then loaded SEQ and put listen for next EQ client (or so Shat like that) and it found one of them so it all worked out ..
thanks to the guilds post in the board

06-21-2002, 03:30 PM
damnit, its a "guide" not a "guild" :)

if you start seq using "./showeq --ip-address=<INSERT WIN IP HERE>" you won't have to do the select next client option.

06-21-2002, 04:05 PM
thanks once i got it up and running it started looking like a windows app (almost) so it was perrty easy to find the settings changing them and so on i have just given up on tring for get seq to see my gateway box, as soon as i get a copy of winXP or ghost i'll move the OSs around and make linux the gateway, i hear linux makes for better servers anyway and it will also make it so seq will see both cleints.
thanks for the help, now i can finally get back to playing