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07-31-2002, 09:29 AM
I tried to compile showeq (using "make"). it got partway through and gave me an "implicit declaration of function 'int time(...)'". Same thing with "time", "localtime", and "strftime". I have no idea what to do - i'm running Debian Linux.


fgay trader
07-31-2002, 10:10 AM
A little more info, please... well, actually alot more info is needed before anyone can start to guess what the problem could be.

Also, I'd suggest following one of the nifty HOW-TO's posted in this forum.

07-31-2002, 10:36 AM
I was using GCC 2.9, and Debian Linux 2.2 R6.

Trying to install showeq 2.3.

I installed the qt 2.0.x just fine. Ran the ./configure file in the showeq-2.3 directory and that ran just fine too. Once i run "make" it gives me that crazy error message.

Right now, actually, I'm compiling the newest GCC (3.1.1) to see if that perhaps will fix it. It is some sort of compiling error, from what I gather. I dont know what other info to give :) I'm not an expert at Linux... still learning a lot.

Thanks for any/all advice!

07-31-2002, 10:37 AM
Oh, yeah.. basically, when I ran "make" in the showeq-2.3 directory... it would start compiling, run a couple minutes, then spit out error message..

implicit declaration of function 'int time(...)'
implicit declaration of function 'int localtime(...)'
implicit declaration of function 'strftime(...)'

Something of that nature. Sorry... still pretty new at this :)

07-31-2002, 10:59 AM
Umm.. ShowEQ 2.3? Do you always run 2.5 year old broken software?.. might want to read the message boards, check the FAQ and walkthroughs, and then give another run..

Remember: reading and searching are good things.


07-31-2002, 11:27 AM
Hmmmm... honestly, I looked around and that was the newest version I saw.

And no i usually don't try to run that old software, broken :) Didn't realize there was a better version to be had. Sorry!

07-31-2002, 11:34 AM
Where would i find a copy of the newest version? I just wanted to give it all a try, and haven't found a place to download the newest versions of it. If anyone can help me... that would be great.

07-31-2002, 11:56 AM
blah.. I'm starting to understand it now. I didn't realize that everything was CVS now... starting to wonder what I was missing. Thanks all for helping me wake up ;)

07-31-2002, 12:56 PM
You have been helped a couple of times already:

might want to read the message boards, check the FAQ and walkthroughs, and then give another run..



07-31-2002, 01:17 PM
okay, now look -

I did read up on this, quite a bit, and downloaded the "newest" copy in tar.gz. I didn't know the entire thing had gone to CVS. Quite frankly, I'm new to all of this, and didn't even know what CVS was, and didn't realize the newest developments were located there. I'm learning. Is there a problem with that?

You do everyone a disservice by being rude about it. You could have simply pointed me in the right direction. I did read up on it, and I did try. Had a nice person not sent me that private message with an explanation, I'd still be lost, because I'm new to this. Everyone (especially you and I) would be much better off if you'd try and spend your time being helpful - not rude.

even a newbie knows this.

07-31-2002, 01:19 PM
and FYI - I was "helped" only once before by you. That hardly constitutes "a couple times". And, your comments don't even qualify as help. "Read and research" hardly help at all. Honestly, perhaps you should re-think your attitude here in the "Help Desk" forum. It's for people with questions who are looking for answers other than rude little remarks about broken software, or telling the person to go research more. Get a clue.

07-31-2002, 01:20 PM


Nater, please don't come on here and flame the regulars, especially jeeves. I guarantee it will go on for pages and everyone will just get pissed. Nothing against jeeves (I think you're great bro), but read those URL's I posted and all will be clear.

07-31-2002, 02:15 PM
here's a good example of what happens when you follow Jeeves' advice... http://seq.sourceforge.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1700

07-31-2002, 02:27 PM
Sorry... I don't mean to flame anyone. I've sat in multiple forums, dealing with everything from computers to motorcycles to trucks, and it gets to me when someone could be helpful but chooses to be rude. Especially in a forum where people are outright asking for help. I agree that Jeeves probably knows quite a bit - and that is great - and it always pays to be helpful. I'd just have been a lot better off if someone had pointed me towards a good "here's the info for you newbies" link instead of being rude and telling me to go read and research. This is the help forum... sorry though, Jeeves - i dont mean to flame you. Just wanted to get my point across.

07-31-2002, 02:52 PM
Sigh.. I'm not going to get into this long discussion again, but two people (myself being one) told you to go find and read the How-To, walkthroughs, and FAQs. Each of which answer all of the questions which have been posted. Each of which has been followed by numerous people with 0 linux experience. It isnt any of the regulars here job to go search for these things for you. I think you will find that if you had gone looking for this information before you posted here 9 times, you would already have ShowEQ installed and running right now. If you think I am rude, tough. I think you are rude by expecting people to run around and provide links for you instead of spending 2 minutes finding them yourself. So lets just call us even and move on.


07-31-2002, 06:15 PM
You're right, and I definitely don't want to fight about it. I'm still learning and want to learn as much as possible, but sometimes i don't catch on really quick. Kinda like about the CVS thing. I don't expect anyone to give me links... but its nice when someone can offer something more than "read and research", you know? Anyway, enough of this.

For some reason, my Debian doesn't like to be updated to GCC 3.1.1. I'm running unstable, and its only at 2.9. Downloaded the .tar.gz of GCC 3.1.1, untared it, ran "make" and "make file" and it appeared to go just fine. GCC 2.9 still shows up though, so i must be doing something wrong... other than that, I'm getting it.. somewhat. :-\

07-31-2002, 06:17 PM
My biggest problem (other than the fact that I'm still learning and often get frustrated and confused easily, as we've seen) is that I'm running Debian and its hard to follow the instructions from step one. any tips with Debian? I'll give it a whirl tomorrow during work.. hopefully i can figure out the GCC stuff.

07-31-2002, 06:27 PM
What applies to RH and Mandrake applies to debian, just install the .deb version of the required packages.

07-31-2002, 07:17 PM
A lot of the stuff didn't appear to have .deb packages. At least not on the ftp.egr.msu.edu mirror that i always use. I'll give it a whirl tomorrow when i'm rested and can think straight.. :) thanks

Mr. Suspicious
07-31-2002, 07:44 PM
GCC 2.9 still shows up though, so i must be doing something wrong...

Why do you say that? It's not "an automagically upgrade" that overwrites any previous versions. You install GCC 2.9 then you have 2.9. If you then install 3.1.1, you have 2.9 AND 3.1.1 *shrug* You can have multiple versions of the same program (in this case: a compiler) installed and running at the same time.

Judging from your previous statement, if I may be so bold, you are rather new to Linux (wich is alright, so am I) and you perhaps choose one of the most difficult distros to start with for a reason. It is good for a (VERY) steep learning curve, but also will give you accute TRA (Technology Related Anger) and WILL confuse the hell out of you (as you stated you get confused easilly) I'd recommend to step down to a more "starter friendly" distro like Red Hat or Mandrake, get to know the basics, then move to Suse, try that and eventually switch to Debian (which is referred to as: "you-can-do-whatever-you-want-if-you-know-what-you-are-doing")... will give you a lot less headaches that way.

07-31-2002, 08:35 PM
Yes, I am somewhat new to Linux. However, I do know a bit about the different distributions, and picked Debian for a few reasons.

I'm still learning about the software thing and software versions. Its new to me. Honestly, it doesn't have a lot to do with the distribution I've picked out. Sure, it sucks not having everything in a rpm file but... I'll work around it if I can. Just still learning about how to update and remove software. Thats definitely my weak point as of right now... :)

Thanks for your advice on the matter. Right now, for me, it'd probably be more confusing to switch to another distro and start fresh than it would be to continue using Debian and going from there. Just have to learn how to install a newer versino of something (like GCC) and replace the older versino with the newer.

Thanks again for your help, everyone. i'm really not as dumb as i may seem ;) at least I'm putting the effort into learning.

07-31-2002, 10:01 PM
www.debian.org and read about your distros package manager apt. You should be able to find most of the stuff needed for SEQ already in a .deb. You may have to move up to testing or unstable (whatever the latest is called). apt handles dependencies better than rpm (as in does it for you), but because it isn't as widespread/mainstream/whatever fewer developers seem to make packages for it. I think there is a tool to convert rpm to deb (search freshmeat.net for alien) that might help you some with just getting SEQ going.