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View Full Version : Query on format of filters

07-31-2002, 11:53 PM
Hey guys, is the following format going to work ?
If not any suggestions on ways to refine it ?
From what I've played with the, Name:????? , is not necessary all the time.



Prime Educator Ghozik
Rhozth Ssrakezh
Taskmaster Kavamezh
Taskmaster Keuzozh
Taskmaster Mikazha
Taskmaster Revan`Kezh
Taskmaster Vezkhah
Taskmaster Zerumaz
Taskmaster Zhe`Vozh
Zhroushe Mezhkazh
Arch Arcanist
Arch Warlock
Arch Tormentor Zhesz
Disciple Zhorluhx
Elder Glanoxx
Granic Obulus
Guard Sklinus
Hilog Jarsath
Lich Juzlix
Nerla Kunzar
Spiritward Trilzik



Glyphed Covered Serpent
Elite Temple Guard
Arch Lich Rhag`Zadune
Blood of Ssraeshzaen
Emperor Ssraeshza
High Priest of Ssraeshza
Vyzh`dra the Cursed
Vyzh`dra the Exiled
Xerkizh the Creator



08-01-2002, 06:32 AM
I'm shooting from the hip on this one, just going from what I know about using the regex box to find things.

The reason you put "Name:" on a filter is because it limits the search to that specific field. For example, you have "Elite Temple Guard" in your filter. I'm pretty sure that without putting "Name:" in front of that, you could get matches on "an elite gnoll guard" in Blackburrow (assuming of course you are not using case sensitive filters). So yes, it would work, but you may want to throw "Name:" in front of them all anyway. Just copy/paste and it will take 30 seconds.

If I'm wrong, flame away...I deserve it. :p

Edit: Typo

08-01-2002, 10:47 AM
It's kind of hard for "Elite Temple Guard" to match "elite gnoll guard" even with case sensitivity turned off since "Temple Guard" and "gnoll guard" aren't spelled the same :)

Look at the filters.conf.dist file that came with SEQ from cvs to see what the whole spawn line looks like that the filter is applied to.

08-01-2002, 12:00 PM
Cryonic, I was using the regex box as my standard for that reply. In the regex box, if you go to EK for example and put in "crag spider", you will get all of the crag spiders, but also carrion spiders to match. If you put in "Name:crag spider, a" then you will not. I was under the assumption that the regex box assumes an "or" when you leave a space. I have used strings like this in the regex box before:

Level:27 | Level:28 | Level:29 | Level:30

But try just putting in "27" and you will get mathes on all kinds of things, probably because somewhere in their definition is the number 27.

I'm probably just making myself sound ignorant, so I'm going to shut up now. Besides, I need to split and go pack for Boston. ;)

08-09-2002, 11:50 AM
the pipe character '|' actually indicates alternation (or). a space simply matches a (literal) space.