View Full Version : segmentation fault

08-01-2002, 11:55 AM
just downloaded and compiled the latest showeq. works wonderful! it was built on an excess PC at work, and launches fine. nobody here is playing eq but i wanted to make sure the app launched just fine.

it gets lots of invalid packets and eventually crashes and gives a Segmentation Fault after a few minutes. is it safe to assume that this won't happen once i get it home and on my hub to listen to my eq machine? or is there anything in the config to make it only listen to packets from a specific machine? i found the setting the make it listen to a specific machine but just am curious as to whether or not its hard to make it not listen to everyone else's machines.


08-01-2002, 12:20 PM
It will work fine. the problem you're having now is if you didn't specify an IP to listen to SEQ is trying to find a Client and that is why you're seeing all the traffic and most likely the cause of the segfault.

If you're still curious try specifing an unused IP for it to listen to on your network at work and see if it still seg faults.