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View Full Version : Invisible man "0000"

08-03-2002, 09:07 AM
Hi All

I hope thjis is the right place for this question, and No its not a call for help.

Zone steamfont
Char Warr Gnome class

Everz time in zone after a short period char picks up an Invisible man called 0000 who runs around in the footsteps of Char. its bodz type is called trap. Any one got a clue as to what this is ??

Mr. Suspicious
08-03-2002, 09:39 AM
Not exactly the same, but related (searched using the words "invisible man", if you feed it well "search" is your friend)

Quoted from: Official ShowEQ FAQ Development Thread (http://seq.sourceforge.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1602&highlight=Invisible+man)

(Submitted by: S_B_R)
Q: I went to the Plane of Hate and saw an invisible mob called "ShowEQ users suck." Have any of you guys seen this?

A: Yes, we have and we think it is very funny. We are glad you got a chance to go up to hate and see the special content that is for showeq users only. Be careful not to laugh about it in /gu or /shout or what not

08-03-2002, 09:42 AM
Still does not answer the Question thou, :))

Mr. Suspicious
08-03-2002, 09:58 AM
True, but it's better then nothing or "it's an invisible mob named 0000 that's following you around" (which it simply is) as you already might have guessed :D Probably just a simple trigger that executes a sound or message when "bumped into", you see those everywhere (more frequent in Luclin zones).

08-03-2002, 07:18 PM
I've seen this "invisable man" too, he follows a player like a pet, when I saw it tonight it was following a 30 something Druid.

Acts like a pet, not a trap.

Though it rather odd myself.

Nothing to do with Hate and their lame ass notes.

08-04-2002, 06:47 AM
GM Possibly in thier stealth mode? Just an idea...

08-04-2002, 04:48 PM
Just because your paranoid does not mean the invisable men are not following you!!

fgay trader
08-05-2002, 09:39 AM
You're just jealous 'cause the invisible men don't follow you!

08-06-2002, 12:19 AM
I saw this again, this time it was following ME! It's really strange, you can hear it's footsteps as it runs with/behind you, I figured I'd have some fun and tried to take him up one of the hills (Steamfont) and he disappeared, ok um well, he was gone, maybe he's afraid of heights?

08-06-2002, 01:53 AM
Sounds like a bug they "fixed" months ago... the one where traps would- you guessed it- follow you around. It was a big pain in the ass in the pit in velks with the AE dispell traps that followed you around dispelling all buffs, debuffs- EVERYTHING on every PC and NPC in a 10 foot radius. If there wasn't a rogue nearby it would keep up until you zoned. Even if you did have a rogue it took 4 buffs at a time, so by the time he realized what was going on any and all buffs anyone had were gone.

It happened with any other persistant trap for that matter- the ones that start going and then never stop. The one-shot traps didn't make a difference because they despawned right away.

Well anyway- suprise- looks like verant didn't fix it. Who'd have guessed?