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View Full Version : Basic mob xp question

08-08-2002, 12:21 PM
Quick question about mob xp values - do all lvl x mobs yield the same base xp amount? Or for instance can a level 3 firebeetle yield more xp than a level 3 moss snake? (before any zem, or class/group modifiers)

Its obvious i dont use seq yet, i thought you guys would know this.

thanks for your help, sorry if its been asked a gillion times before.

08-08-2002, 12:35 PM
XP Gained from mob:

Level * Level * ZEM * ClassMod

ClassMod is the modifier of the class that killed the mob (namely yours).

08-08-2002, 12:58 PM
As Cryonic said,

Level * Level * ZEM * ClassMod

The reason some mobs seem to give more overall exp than others has to do with how quickly you take them down, versus how much exp they give.

Take two 25 level mobs. If the mob you are fighting has 30% more hit points than another mob of the same level, then you will spend much longer fighting that mob and probably end up with less HP or Mana yourself, causing further down time.

The only changes are your class and the zone in which you kill them. Some classes get more experience than others (unless this has changed which I don't think it has) and some zones give higher experience than others.

So, strictly speaking all mobs of the same level give the same exp in a given zone. However, taking that into context also means that certain mobs give more exp over time if they are easier to take down, and don't cause you more downtime recouperating.

08-08-2002, 01:50 PM
Hey thanks alot guys makes sense =)

hehe i was kinda scared bout getting called an idiot 234,987 times but hey

08-08-2002, 02:51 PM
Some classes get more experience than others (unless this has changed which I don't think it has) and some zones give higher experience than others.

Casey covered this very well in the 6th post of this (http://seq.sourceforge.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=168&highlight=experience) thread. Some classes get more or less exp per kill, but it all gets worked out by how much exp that class needs to level.