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08-11-2002, 02:53 PM
my setup is the following

cable modem
linux box
EQ pc (win xp)

Now my knowledge of linux is very limitted. What would I need to do the get both of those machines up on the internet for SEQ to work properly? would I need to configure ICS on both the linux and XP box? or is there something else I can do,

Thanks for your help.

08-11-2002, 03:13 PM
You would only need one ICS on the computer that will act as a proxy for the rest of the network so you don't need to install ICS on XP

However I would say easiest way to set up a realiable network is to purchase a hardware router and put it on your cable modem then connect hub to the router and the remaining computers into the hub

So that way you would not need to mess with ICS or set them up on the computers.


08-11-2002, 04:55 PM
Is it that hard to set up the linux box? heh I'm really not looking to go out and buy a router, but if i'ts a big pain I might as well...

08-11-2002, 07:57 PM
i am a computer dork, and use linux. to ME, it would be worth it to buy a hardware router just because it is frustrating when something DOES happen to your linux box and your internet connection is totally gone.

most "fixing" of you linux box will be done searching online help... which is not possible if your linux box was your connection sharing device. you end up having to hook your winblows box right up to the cable modem... and if it is bound to mac addresses you have to call the isp or swap nics.

for peace of mind, those $50 hardware routers are worth it. if you happen to have a spare old pentium pc, www.ipcop.org is pretty easy to setup and does the same thing (but for free if you have all the parts needed).

08-11-2002, 09:06 PM
I will probably go with getting that router... I also have another concern as well. I read the FAQ and it said something like 99.8% of linksys hubs are NOT really hubs, they are switches... anyway http://www.linksys.com/products/product.asp?grid=24&prid=148 this is the hub I am using, I don't see in anyway how this could be a switch (but don't take my word for it) ... If someone can please tell me if that hub would work, or is it really a switch? I might have to consider buying a new hub as well if that won't work with SEQ. Also if I decide to get the router, would it HAVE to be a 10mb router?

Thanks again.

08-11-2002, 10:10 PM
That is a switch, they just market it as a hub (because 99.9% of the public doesnt care, and they are more familiar with the term hub than the term switch).


08-11-2002, 11:51 PM
if that is a switch, I might as well go back to my idea about making my linux box a gateway since it won't matter if it's a hub or switch.

08-12-2002, 02:11 PM
Making your linux box do the routing isn't really that hard. Just keep in mind what fryfrog said about it being your connection's point of failure. Also keep in mind you will need 2 NICs to do this the right way. Ipcop is excellent software with great, easy to follow docs if you choose to go that route. Note that a machine running ipcop to be your gateway can't also run Seq.

I have to agree with the previous posts though. I too am a computer dork and still use a router for all the same reasons in fryfrog's post. Take it or leave it, but that's my opinion.

08-12-2002, 08:36 PM
For the fifteen million time, jesus fooking christ. Can't you do a search...OH, Wait, I'm sounding like Jeeves. :)


I use to run a Linksys router for dhcp but after one of the fabulous software flashes that Linksys put out, I flashed the firmware and after that I kept getting booted off the EQ servers. Had a very slow, erratic and unstable connection. After troubleshooting it I unhooked the Linksys router and set my linux box up as a firewall/router and have had absolutely no problems in a year of using it.

08-13-2002, 02:10 AM
I did a search, you however are a moron to realize that. Oh and btw jeeves would have stated that if I didn't =P

08-13-2002, 06:49 AM
/points at his new sig.