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View Full Version : USERS MANUAL ? Is there one

08-16-2002, 12:04 AM
I have had showeq running for a couple of months and have looked through many of the drop down lists. It has lots of features but I can't find any help on any of the drop downs.

I have also searched this board for a manual But I didn't find one

I was wondering if you the READERS would like to create a

"How to use ShowEQ" or at least post a URL if one is already available



08-16-2002, 12:42 AM
showeq comes with the best kind of manual, you'll find all the information you need to know about showeq and its featureset in the files in the src/ directory of showeq. Have fun.

08-16-2002, 03:53 AM
I will help answer any questions about the program so long as you are willing to document it. Even a basic manual would be nice to include with the program.


08-18-2002, 10:38 PM
Thankyou for your Posts Fee and Casey

I will do up the best SEQ DOC you have ever seen:)

OKI I will add my questions into this post and keep editing them.

Remove in the settled ones by placing them in the new document.

BTW caffeine and other upper type substances effects short term memory :)

1. This question relates to spawns that are on the map. If I highlight a spawn name from the name list that I want then right hand click it a menu comes up the first thing I do is choose add spawn to filter I then choose alert and a dialog box comes up with the text highlighted What am I supposed to do here ? Just click add ? Could you explain this for me?

Also I downloaded Blue adepts filters and added them

2. In some zones my SEQ beeps constantly. I get jumpy thinking perhaps there is a rare or a danger close by can you tell me what is happening there ?

3. I was in South ro awaiting the AC to pop and checked inside my filters via a terminal screen to see if sand giants were in the filter and they were I killed 5 sand giants each time I found them by tracking first SEQ didn't alert me visually or audiable can you explain what im doing wrong ? Also can you explain how do I see whats in my filter file without craking open a term screen ?

4. Ive read a lot of these posts but I don't fully get a feel for all the dynamics of SEQ mainly just get a feeling " Its a help me not to get lost tool" or a "Find the rare spawn tool" Can you give me what you believe is a fair description of the whole SEQ Feature set ?

5. I would like to build the document in ezy to understand format unlike many Microcrap Manuals. So any thing that you think is secondnature please add it here. Example

How to get showeq to visually alert you to a spawn
Step 1 Choose the spawn
Step 2 Blah Blah

Also Please note I suck at english and writing so Please bear with me.


P.s Do you have any screenshots I can use? I haven't played with screenshots on linux yet.