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View Full Version : Excellent program!

08-31-2002, 08:38 AM
Just a quick note aimed at the developers and the regulars who spend much too much of their time trying to help others.
I am not familiar with Linux, but have coding experience from work writing programs to strip info from our mainframe and tandem boxes.
I have visited these forums for the last several months, read the FAQ, read and re-read the installation guides before I decided to try it.
I can say without reservation that much of YOUR time could be spent with your families or doing what you really want to do if others would only READ the FAQ and READ the install guides FIRST before they actually post their questions.
I selected Red Hat 7.2 and the distribution to use, downloaded the images and burned the CDs, loaded the OS, and followed the step by step installation guide; which by the way - my wife could follow. Not that she is stupid - the guide is that good.
I have ShowEQ up and running like a champ - first time install.
If only folks would read the preface on how to post - they might understand why they get so many tough responses.
Bottom line - fabulous program, awesome work by the regulars here; Jeeves you have a fan~ you tell it like it should be told.
/em tips hat to the SEQ team.

08-31-2002, 09:00 AM
Congrats on getting it working!


09-05-2002, 10:00 PM
the real problem is too many people think of linux as a light OS. its not, it wants better hardware than your windows system does, its just better about settling for the crap you feed it.

being poor when i made my first box, i got very upset about it performance and crashing etc, since then and a education from a friend later, my upgraded box not only runs like a champ, but has an up time in the months now.

celeron 900, 256mb ram, 20gb hd, ati rage XL 16mb agp video

09-06-2002, 12:08 PM
My ppro200 ran for about 340 days before the box died because the power supply gave out... I dont know about linux "needing" more than windows :P It wasn't horribly slow either, seq worked great.

09-06-2002, 01:08 PM
I use a P150 laptop as a portable SEQ box (for gaming elsewhere) and a quad PPro 200 on my own network. Linux has never needed better hardware than Windows. Windows needs better hardware to make up for the bloat the OS has gone through:

Win95: 100MB
Win98: 200MB
WinNT: 500MB
Win2K: 1GB
WinXP: 1.5GB

Moore's Law: Every 18 months CPU power doubles
Gate's Law: Every 18 months Windows speed halves

Net result, No gain in performance.