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09-13-2002, 01:27 PM

There's a new game for the PS2 that's online called Socom (http://ps2.ign.com/objects/016/016371.html)

So anyways, it's a first person shooter like quake. And I began to think. How hard would it be to make a quake or Socom program that shows where others are. nothing more than a map and where ppl are. ya, it's cheating, i know. And I have skill in the games, but just wanted to get some thoughts as to how hard it would be, and what would be a good way to aproach it if i thought about doing it.

09-13-2002, 01:33 PM
Question has been asked before. There are 2 basic answers:
FPS games are too fast paced to make a seq like system really useful. You'd be looking at your map and be dead before you could even look back at your game screen.
Most (all?) FPS games only send you packets of the players you can see and the players that can see you. So you wouldn't see anyone on your map till you could see them in game anyway.

09-13-2002, 01:35 PM
Somebody asked something similar (SEQ for a FPS). It came down to the game moves too fast for it to really help you with a FPS.

09-13-2002, 01:38 PM
cool thanks for the info. Socom is a "dead till next game" type game. and it gets annoying when yer on a huge map trying to find that last person to finish the board. I wonder if it does actually only broadcast ppl that are around you in Socom. there is a lot of long range sniper rifles available, and i think it would broadcast everyone. hrmmm.

Where would be a good place to start just to test it? Can i snapshot a bunch of packets from it somehow and post em here and see if ppl can make heads or tails from it? I'm a java/C++ developer, but bad with net packets.

Junu Peeth
09-13-2002, 02:13 PM
Even a simplified script which sounded a warning chime when an opponent becomes visible that wasn't there before would be useful. IE. you hear the warning sound and if you can't see the perp in front of you then you know he is either flanking you or has got your back.

09-13-2002, 06:55 PM
yeah, i don't think any half modern games send data for players that are not visible or are not ALMOST visible (ie, behind a wall where you COULD possibly hit them). it saves a LOT of network traffic and makes the games much more playable.

it would ESPECIALLY not be useful for finding that one last person on the map. basically, if a see through wall hack would work and you would see them you could PROBABLY make a seq type map (if you were so inclined).

i think the ethics behind it would be a LOT different from seq though, most people use seq in a PvE environment, so since you normally aren't using it to truely harm other players it doesn't feel quite as much like cheating. using it in a PvP envrionment (not that that doesn't exist in EQ) would be far more usage vs. players, and players don't like other players who cheat against them.

in person vs. person, you truely have to be good until you start cheating. in player vs environment, its boring and tedious... and the mobs don't know the difference so they don't start "/ooc blah blah blah is a wall hacking cheater!" :)

i used to play hl:cs a LOT. i was pretty good, then quit for a while... came back and i was owned like there was no tomorow. i thought i had lost my touch (i was pretty good, not the best... frequently ranking in the top 3 or 4 on my team). i tried out the cheats once and just couldn't believe how easy they were to use and well... cheat with. so i quit playing, whats the point when its basically a game of who's cheat fires first...