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View Full Version : Powerleveling XP

09-23-2002, 05:55 AM
Slightly different XP topic to those going recently. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas about how grouped experience is split between very different level people.

I know that the higher level person must be <= (lower level * 1.5) levels to get any xp at all., but don't know how this scale starts to slide.

ie. If a level 60 groups with a level 40 and kills a level 35 mob, the lvl60 gets no xp, but the lvl40 gets some. I think the amount goes on a sliding scale - so that the lvl 40 might get (eg) 5% of the xp per kill, yet if they were level 50, the level difference is less, so they would get (eg) 30% of the xp per kill.

I'm not too worried about exact numbers (though would be interested if anyone has them). Just wondering when it's worth grouping a low level character with a higher one to leech xp. Any ideas?


Mr. Suspicious
09-23-2002, 06:31 AM
assumption due to past Verant communication about this:

Example Group:

lvl 60 char
lvl 55 char
lvl 50 char
lvl 45 char

Group gets 100,000 XP

total_levels = 60 + 55 + 50 + 45 = 200

XP per level = 100,000 / 200 = 500

XP lvl 60 char = 500 * 60 = 30,000XP
XP lvl 55 char = 500 * 55 = 27,500XP
XP lvl 50 char = 500 * 50 = 25,000 XP
XP lvl 45 char = 500 * 45 = 22,500XP

09-23-2002, 06:41 AM
That's not too bad then. Means a level 60 would waste 60% of the experience (on mobs green and therefore no xp for him), but the level 40 still gets 40% of a kill they didn't have to do anything for.

Thanks for the quick answer!

09-24-2002, 06:13 AM
wasn't the formula for xp division based on level + 5?
A level 1 grouped with a level 2 would get 6/13th of the xp not 1/3.