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09-24-2002, 03:19 PM
I know that Seq is now written in XML instead of C. I've been browing the board and working with Linux for some time. I'm now comfortable working in Linux it's systems etc. Now I'd like to learn more about the programming aspects. Would it be best to begin with C or XML ?

09-24-2002, 03:27 PM
er, XML is not really a programming language. seq IS written in C. it uses an XML config file.

XML is like html on steroids or something, lets you do a lot of things... ie, seq.conf file is xml, newui is xml, the patch server uses an xml file to tell what files need downloading...

09-24-2002, 03:35 PM
Thanks for setting me straight..... now I know where to begin.

Mr. Suspicious
09-24-2002, 04:45 PM
Good starters:

C++ for Dummies (Davis)
C++ in 21 days (Jesse Liberty)

10-06-2002, 02:02 PM
I don't like dummies books because they try to oversimplify things, often don't fill you in on enough detail, and neglect practice problems.

How to Program C++ by Dietel and Dietel is a great book for practicing. Then you should go to C++ Strategies and Tactics by Robert B. Murray (small book, but real good).

Then after you practice with C++, you should breeze through The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie (small as well), if the C language interests you enough.