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View Full Version : Targetting, Spell Window break after Epoch Warning

10-12-2002, 08:03 AM
Read the FAQ, did a search, found a couple messages that mention the Epoch error message (EQ EPOCH OCCURRED AT 771472900 SECONDS POST UNIX EPOCH), but none that mentioned the specific problems I'm having.

I get the EQ EPOCH OCCURRED... message about an hour into playing EQ. Once that message appears, SEQ no longer automatically selects mobs that I target in EQ, and no longer displays ANY info in the spell list.

I don't know, obviously, that the EQ EPOCH.. message is directly tied to the selection and spell window problems, however the problems always occur immediately after that message appears.

I've wiped SEQ and done a clean build / install just to see.. no change.

Any advice?

10-12-2002, 09:46 AM
Cryonic talked about a similar issue he was having in this thread
http://seq.sourceforge.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1783&highlight=eq+epoch, maybe he will post his findings for you here.

10-12-2002, 02:21 PM
My issue was due to a corruption of the file system that the SEQ conf and map files were stored in causing SEQ to segfault when reading the maps.

Didn't have anything to do with spell tracking or mob selection (since SEQ crashed before that).

10-15-2002, 12:15 AM
I seem to remember geting these messages when my system time and date was way off. I had a dead cmos batery in my linux box and when I had a power outage my system time was reset to Mon Oct 25 12:00:00 CDT 1999. I believe I got these meassages untill I corrected the date. I'm at work at the moment but I will try to simulate this when I get home.


10-15-2002, 09:32 AM
Guys... that message is NOT an error.

Each server was started at a given time. The date in Norrath is sometime in the year 3000, hence the EQ Epoch is substantially removed from the real Epoch... it's informational only, and is used to calculate EQ Time, nothing more.

It does not indicate any error, etc...

10-15-2002, 09:36 AM
Ok, I'll buy that... The EQ EPOCH message is not an error.

The problems with select-on-target not working and the spell window not displaying info are still present, however. Both problems appear simultaneously when they occur. I'll see if I can pin down anything else happening at the same time or just prior.

10-15-2002, 10:38 AM
If you are not getting the EQ Epoch message immediately upon decode (1 hour?!) then something is totally screwed with your system...

10-15-2002, 11:07 AM
Ignore the EQ EPOCH message, forget I mentioned it, I stand totally corrected on that and the message is now my friend.

The problem with not selecting on target, and with spell window not showing anything, starts about an hour into play.