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View Full Version : I hesitate to post again... but...

01-01-2002, 12:06 AM

After your last commit (thanks for the changes) I tried to reconfigure and rebuild from your versions and well... it doesn't seem like --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qtgcc3-2.3.2 is working, it is using the search path (which is finding my system default QTDIR setting and using that). Trying to debug it now, and I don't see anything in your configure related changes that would account for it. I suppose I may have been imagining it working before too (ie I ran it without QTDIR defined in my environment so it found it by normal file search).

But given my last several posts i will probably find it mysteriously working again shortly.

01-01-2002, 12:28 AM
Ok. I am posting a patch to fix --with-qt-dir to work, I must not have had QTDIR set when I built SEQ4 the last time so it picked up the correct Qt by default. Because the way acinclude.m4 was there was no way it was selecting the --with-qt-dir directory as a primary choice.

One minorly interesting question... if --with-qt-dir specifies an invalid directory (ie not there, or not containing a qt tree) should it go ahead and continue the regular search [this is what it does now] or should it only search the directory tree given by --with-qt-dir and not try to second guess the user and report an error instead. I worry about dumb issues.

lol. going to go post the patch the patch now.

01-01-2002, 12:55 AM
Applied it and included it with the New Years CVS commits.

Thanks and Enjoy,
Zaphod (dophaZ)