View Full Version : Unknown spawns not visible until they move

10-25-2002, 09:57 AM
I have been keeping abreast of the new opcodes and structures and everything so far seems to be working as it should in light of the new encryption, however the unknowns do not show up until the mob moves. This can lead to nasty suprises.

From my perusal of the opcodes it seems the current set should be sufficient to show stationary spawns that are in zone when you zone in. However they are not.

Is there any thing I could be missing? Does anyone else see mobs in zone when they zone in before the mob moves?


10-25-2002, 10:05 AM
Update packets are only sent when there is an update... if the spawn doesnt move, there is no update, so ShowEQ doesnt know it exists.


10-25-2002, 10:19 AM
How could they possibly have shown up before?

How can the client know they are there before the mob moves?

Seems clear the packets are sent at least once on zone in AND when they move. I know I can see a mob that is stationary when I zone in.

Or put more succinctly: If the ZoneSpawnsCode is correct then those spawns should be created and visible if createunknownspawns and showunknownspawns are both on, agree?


10-25-2002, 10:33 AM
Or is the location of ZoneSpawns encrypted?


10-25-2002, 12:40 PM
Yes... 3 packets are encrypted.

ZoneSpawns, NewSpawns, CharProfile

Unknown spawns work by getting the spawn location from the update packet. But all it knows is the spawn ID, it needs the encrypted data to know the initial location, and all other inital information. That is what unknown spawns are. They are guesses based on movement packets.


10-25-2002, 12:54 PM
Thanks HJ

Don't know why but I assumed that the location part would not be encrypted, but the mob name, and the rest would.
