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View Full Version : If we're already going to be reading memory ....

11-01-2002, 11:36 AM
A solid code base that reads EQ memory (along with annoying re-offsetting every patch) is MacroQuest.

Instead of showeq being a packet sniffer, to hell with decryption and just read the structures right out of ram.

From there, pipe the info to a GUI on linux or windows or wherever. Ratt is right, Sony has forced showeq onto the windows box and showeq will find its way there in one way or another.

It will be far stronger than ever too if we start poking around in memory.

Sony - you screwed up.

You took something that was a minor annoyance and forced it into a new paradigm. Funny thing was you made the Showeq devs do the last possible thing they wanted to - goto Windows. What you didnt get was that thats the last possible thing you want too.

Showeq will now exist for the masses. Banning all showeq users will mean banning all eq users. Every banning is money.

Whats more, the showeq for EQ2 (showeq2) will probably begin life right on windows now.

bummer, there goes another killer-app for linux.


11-01-2002, 11:45 AM
Yup. This is our time to shine. Ratt is 100% correct.

11-01-2002, 12:41 PM

Would be nice if that ageo could add a few more thousand hp too....
