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View Full Version : Getting those grey dots to show up.

11-01-2002, 12:50 PM
Now that showeq in it's current state can't decode spawns I was wondering how do I get the unknown spawns to showup as greydots? I can highlight an unknown spawn in the spawn list and it will plot a little greydot but I'd like to display all unknown spawns up on the map without having to select them.

11-01-2002, 12:55 PM
Dunno.. maybe the strangely named menu item, called "show unkown spawns"?


11-01-2002, 01:08 PM
I'm pretty sure I've tried but I'll check it out again. I thought it was already checked on mine but still didn't show the unknown spawns on the map just the spawn list.

11-01-2002, 02:24 PM
On the main menu make sure you have Options > Create Unknown Spawns on. Then right click on the map screen and make sure Show > Unknown Spawns is on.

Even with both enabled, SEQ doesn't appear to display an unknown spawn on the map until it moves. So when you zone in, stationary unknown spawns will not display on the map until they move, or you target or consider the spawn in game.

11-01-2002, 02:34 PM
ahh ok thats probably why then. I was in an area with pretty much static spawns when I was trying to get the unknown spawns to showup on the map. I'll check it out again tonight, thanks.

11-02-2002, 06:05 AM
Jeeves is a grumpy old man...

Jeeves is one hell of an information source though. Can't argue the fact that he knows what he's doing. Maybe show a little more compassion for the human race? Telling someone to read, and hurting someone's feelings while telling them to read, are two different things.

Just my opinion, please feel free to flame away :D

Mr. Suspicious
11-02-2002, 06:45 AM
Telling someone to read, and hurting someone's feelings while telling them to read, are two different things.

Being direct and to the point <> rude, insulting and inflamatory. Don't confuse the two.

In this particular case, HJ was not rude, nor insulting, he directly pointed to wehere to look. Carpet wasn't even insulted, heck, he didn't even feel insulted. He was helped, not run around the bush with 10 alinea's of text explaining into detail what to do, but one simple one-liner helped him on his way.

So how was HJ rewarded for beeing helpfull by the last two previous posters? He was insulted. Nice! Both of you realy need to learn a lot more about interpersonal communication, because I quite frankly (and this is not an insult, just an observation) think you wouldn't stand a chance in now-a-days society with your attitude.