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View Full Version : Put Zaphod's Newbie Guide in CVS?

01-03-2002, 12:51 PM
That guide by Zaphod is the best thing I have ever seen. Should it go in the CVS instead of Ratt's older one? Ratt's is out of date I think now with all the compiler changes, qt, etc. Just a thought.

Edit: Maybe update Z's guide to include the now compiled rpm of qt.

01-03-2002, 12:54 PM
There are a couple of patches that I have submitted to make things easier, one was included this morning, the other is listed under patches.

Might also want to look at them for a bit of help on getting ShowEQ work as an alternative.

As for putting Zaphod's newbie guide in, put up a diff and submit it =)


01-03-2002, 01:30 PM
I am a newbie. I will look over the information and see if I can figure it out. If I am too stupid to figure it out I hope a more expereinced soul will do it. Half the questions I am reading are answered in Z's newbie guide. It is worth the time of the expereinced people if only to help with the load.

01-03-2002, 01:45 PM
Actually, I guess you were talking about the INSTALL.newbies file. I will put together a diff with a more uptodate install guide tonight (Hopefully)

Watch this space for a patch.


01-03-2002, 03:16 PM
I may not know how to make a diff yet but I can do some grunt work for you. Here is a cut and paste of Z's various threads. You could use this as a start for a diff on the newbie install guide. I added notes about some of the links that may change. Copyright notice is left on.


Unless otherwise noted, all text is taken from:

RedHat 7.1 & 7.2 users guide.

ShowEQ Install for newbies (RedHat 7.1/7.2 edition)
Copyright 2001 Zaphod ([email protected])


RedHat 7.1 users, do the following:

1. Get the following gcc 3.x RPMS and dependencies from ftp://ftp.rpmfind.net/linux/C/redha...386/RedHat/RPMS :


2. Install them using the following commands:

$ rpm -Uhv glibc-2.2.4-20.i386.rpm glibc-common-2.2.4-20.i386.rpm glibc-devel-2.2.4-20.i386.rpm
$ rpm -Uhv binutils-
$ rpm -ihv gcc3-3.0.1-3.i386.rpm gcc3-c++-3.0.1-3.i386.rpm libgcc-3.0.1-3.i386.rpm libstdc++3-3.0.1-3.i386.rpm libstdc++3-devel-3.0.1-3.i386.rpm


RedHat 7.2 users do the following:

1. Make sure you have the following RPMS installed:

You can verify that they are installed using the following command:

$ rpm -q gcc3 gcc3-c++ libgcc libstdc++3 libstdc++3-devel

If everything is installed, skip to installing and compiling Qt.

2. Insert the RedHat 7.2 CD 2 into your CDROM drive and mount it using the following command

$ mount /mnt/cdrom

3. install the g++ 3 compiler by doing the following commands:

$ cd /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS
$ rpm -ihv gcc3-3.0.1-3.i386.rpm gcc3-c++-3.0.1-3.i386.rpm libgcc-3.0.1-3.i386.rpm libstdc++3-3.0.1-3.i386.rpm libstdc++3-devel-3.0.1-3.i386.rpm

If there weren't any errors, g++ 3.x is now installed.


Installing and compiling Qt

Option 1:
If you have not already done so, download the sources to qt-2.3.2 from www.trolltech.com and the patch attached to this post.

To compile qt-2.3.2 using the 3.x compiler from the RedHat RPMS do the following:

$ cd /usr/local
$ gtar xzvf <download_dir>/qt-x11-2.3.2.tar.gz
$ gunzip -c <download_dir>/qt-2.3.2-gcc3.patch | patch -p 0
$ cd qt-2.3.2
$ export QTDIR=/usr/local/qt-2.3.2
$ export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH
$ configure -release -shared -gif -xft -sm -system-libmng -system-zlib -system-libpng -system-jpeg -no-g++-exceptions -thread
$ make

Replace <download_dir> with wherever you downloaded the files to. You also might want to put the environment variable setting stuff into a shell script for later reuse.

The options to configure are more or less taken from the qt.spec file from the RedHat qt-2.3.1 SRPM, the main option that is really needed is -thread.

Option 2:
This section based on:

Ed. Note: Files listed below were provided by Zaphod as is and with no commitment to keep them available. The sites listed here were good as of January 3, 2002. They may be unavailable at any time. See http://seq.sourceforge.net/ for alternative sources.

Qt 2.3.2 RPMs compiled with Gcc 3 for RedHat 7.1/7.2 are available at http://www.doomed.to/showeq/

The two RPMS you need for ShowEQ 4.0 are qt-gcc3-2.3.2-1.i386.rpm and qt-gcc3-devel-2.3.2-1.i386.rpm which are also being mirrored under ftp://azriel.trifocus.net/pub/redhat .

To install the RPMs use the following command:

rpm -ihv qt-gcc3-2.3.2-1.i386.rpm qt-gcc3-devel-2.3.2-1.i386.rpm

These RPMs install Qt under /opt/qt-gcc3-2.3.2 so adjust any instructions you are following to use that path. These were compiled with the version of G++ 3.x included with RedHat 7.2.

I've also included a handy dandy shell script for the bash/sh users in the audience called '/opt/bin/useqt232'. Just source it as follows:

$ . /opt/bin/useqt232

To setup the appropriate QT environment variables.

You still need to set the compiler related environment variables for configuring and compiling ShowEQ though.


Get libEQ.a

Ed. Note: libEQ.a is occassionaly difficult to obtain. The sites listed here were good as of January 3, 2002. They may be unavailable at any time. See http://seq.sourceforge.net/ for alternative sources.

Download the libEQ.a file from ftp://smurfette.trifocus.net/pub/libeq/i386/linux (with md5sum 8da5608635e69205807fbf6e41e9bc2f ) and place it in your /usr/local/lib directory.

Other current sources of libEQ.a:
ftp://azriel.trifocus.net/pub/redhat .


ShowEQ getting, configuring and compiling

After you have successfully installed/compiled qt-2.3.2 (using the g++ 3.x compilers and the -thread configuration option) and installed libEQ.a you can get ShowEQ and configure it by doing the following (where <yourdir> is where you want to put the ShowEQ sources):

$ cd <yourdir>
$ export CVSROOT=:pserver:[email protected] :/cvsroot/seq
$ cvs login
Hit enter when prompted for a password
$ cvs checkout showeq
$ cd showeq
$ export QTDIR=/usr/local/qt-2.3.2
$ export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH
$ export CXX=g++3
$ export CC=gcc3
$ make -f Makefile.dist
$ ./configure

Then do make as usual:

$ make

su to root, and install ShowEQ

$ su
Enter your linux systems root password
$ make install


If this is your first time using a new version of showeq, make sure to either update your showeq.conf file based on showeq.conf.dist or create a showeq.conf file based on it. Typically you put the resulting showeq.conf under /usr/local/share/showeq/ .


To run the resulting binary, su to root, and make sure to setup the QT environment variables (as I said earlier you probably wan't to put these into a shell script):

$ export QTDIR=/usr/local/qt-2.3.2
$ export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH

Then run showeq (you can add command line options to suit):

$ showeq

And theoretically, if you did everything correctly and I didn't have too many typos ShowEQ should run as expected.


Using this procedure you do not have to uninstall anything, nor change any links manually.

I hope this helps.

Zaphod (dohpaZ)

P.S. The copyright notice at the top is mainly to put unscrupulous guide writers on notice not to copy this into their guides and sell them. ;)

01-03-2002, 03:21 PM
I have submitted a patch against the INSTALL.newbies file. It's not exactly what Zaphod gave for a solution.... but IMO it's easier to use than his. =)

See: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=499129&group_id=10131&atid=310131 for details.
