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11-03-2002, 05:12 PM
Anyone seen how much mana is given per int over255?

Oddly... I don't see any difference.

02-03-2003, 01:33 PM
Haven't seen any definitive answers on this.

Is it still .1 mana times level per INT/WIS, like it's supposed to be from 201-255, or is it some other formula?

And what's the deal with the mana formula Magelo uses? Is it accurate? That formula doesn't even give .1*Level for 201-255, but a smaller, decliing-as-the-stat-rises value.

Any info people have would be appreciated. I don't have SEQ or I'd research it myself. You guys always seem to have all the answers =)



02-03-2003, 05:43 PM
When SEQ was working, you could easily test this. Make sure you have no +mana items on and add only gear that gives +int. Med until you think you are full. Cast a zero mana spell or effect (e.g. Jboots) and look at the SEQ console. Repeat until you stop seeing mana updates. Now you know how much you should have in true value. Next start adding +int items and repeat above steps. Now you can see how it grows as you add int/wis.

02-04-2003, 05:53 AM
they changed it, it used to be 1 mana pr int over 200, but now it's closer to 6 mana pr int above 200, atleast up to 255.

been a while since they changed that

02-04-2003, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by spungee
they changed it, it used to be 1 mana pr int over 200, but now it's closer to 6 mana pr int above 200, atleast up to 255.

been a while since they changed that

Must... not .... kill... urge... to ... kill ... overwhelming...

GRRR... that is such fucking bullshit. Quit buying into the propeganda. How many frigging times do I have to say it that anything over 200 gave ZERO mana. God damned, that is a fucking myth that just won't die.

02-04-2003, 09:30 AM
Dont you mean 252 and not 200 Ratt?

Here are a couple quote from this (http://seq.sourceforge.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1738&highlight=mana+255) thread.
Originally posted by Ratt
Oh.. and BTW - the "soft cap" on INT is 252, not 255. You get zero mana for INT above 252. and

Originally posted by Ratt
...After 252, there is zero mana increase. Unless something has changed since I last tested this, there is zero change in mana past 252 INT. I'm not barring the possibility of change, but I find it highly dubious that they'd have made a change of this nature. Again, using the client to "test" your theory is flawed. Just because the bar on your client tells you something does not necessarily make it reality.Man if its really 200 I feel really stupid, I spent so much time and money getting up to the 252 range...:confused:

02-04-2003, 10:00 AM
No, I meant 200... then the cap was increased to 252 at the time of Velious was it? I don't recall. Now it's 35x (2 or 5, dunno which).

I kept some detailed records of mana increase for my character from 60 - 65, but I haven't figured out any pattern (nor have I bothered to try).

02-04-2003, 10:10 AM
Ok, now I'm totally, 100%, confused. Why did you say
How many frigging times do I have to say it that anything over 200 gave ZERO mana.earlier today if that's not the case???? I mean isn't
You get zero mana for INT above 252. totally contradictory to that?

02-04-2003, 10:17 AM
He said "gave".

I think the point is the 1 mana per int pre-velious (think it was closer to luclin actually) was a myth. it WAS really 0 mana per int post-200. Then it went to zero mana (not 1 mana) per int post-252. Now the limit is 355 as far as I know.

02-04-2003, 10:22 AM
Well god damn Verb Tenses!

I understand now, sorry for the confusion, move along, nothing to see here... ;)

02-04-2003, 12:42 PM
OK! THATS FUCKING IT!!! I said it yesterday, and I'm saying it again, this time I mean it. I'm not making another post here...even in a feeble attempt to help people that don't have a friggin clue, I'll leave that to you so-called experts, who hide behind your numbers of post, which is nothing more than a sign of how much you enjoy tossing shit at people, FUCK YOU!
I tried to help, if you feel the need to correct me, can you please do that without throwing a pile of dung at my face? If you can't, I sincerely feel sorry for the kids you'll probably never have. Screw you, I'm outta here

02-04-2003, 12:58 PM
Pssssttt, Ratt is a dev, I think that counts as an expert.

02-04-2003, 01:28 PM
My post count is pretty low actually... I could lower it a bit if you want.

Just tired of people regurgitating facts that have no basis in reality, have been refuted by rigorous testing, etc...

If you don't know what yer talkin' about, don't claim they are facts!

02-04-2003, 03:42 PM
OK, I'm pretty sure they allowed more mana after WIS/INT 200 with the release of Luclin.

Anyway, I'm still not sure I understand what Ratt is saying. As of today (PoP era), we do get extra mana after WIS/INT 255, correct? Assuming that answer is yes, how much extra do we get?

My main reason for asking is, Magelo uses some strange formula that I have no idea where they came up with it. It gives about 4.88 mana for increasing INT/WIS from 200 to 201, at level 60, and then progrssively smaller mana gains for each INT/WIS gain after that.



Edit - looking at that other thread, you're saying the sliding scale has been there since SoL, and kicks in right at 200? If so, then I guess that agrees with what Magelo's formula is doing. Also makes me wonder how much it's worth increasing INT/WIS past a certain point (no longer enough bang for the buck).

02-04-2003, 04:11 PM
MacroQuest (macroquest.sf.net) has a command that will report exactly what your Max mana is, it pulls it directly from memory. I don't know how accurate it is but it might be worth check it out.

02-12-2003, 06:00 AM
((int / 5) + 2) * level

02-12-2003, 06:42 AM
Originally posted by wad
((int / 5) + 2) * level Does this apply at all levels up to 65?

02-12-2003, 09:49 AM
I believe that formula is only corrent for INT =< 200.

If your INT is over 200, the formula is:

( ( ( INT - 200 ) / 10 ) + 42 ) * Level

This formula is your total mana, not just the amount added when crossing the 200 threshold.

edit: To answer your question, I believe the formula doesn't change based upon your level.


02-12-2003, 12:42 PM
"If your INT is over 200, the formula is:

( ( ( INT - 200 ) / 10 ) + 42 ) * Level "

No, it's not.

That was the point of this thread, and the one linked several posts back. That was the formula people thought was being used. The actual formula is:

((11250 * LEVEL) + (33 * LEVEL * WIS))/425

For values of INT/WIS over 200. At level 60, that's about 4.65 mana per INT/WIS over 200, not the 6.0 mana you would expect from the formula you quoted.

The formula here is the one used by Magelo. Up to a few months ago, they used the formula you quoted, but they changed based on lots of testing, supposedly.


02-12-2003, 03:57 PM
I still don't think that's right.

I can't say for sure, as I gave up testing it a long time ago. But I was getting a hunch that the scale was sliding as you got towards 255 (this was pre-PoP) ...

And one formula wasn't going to cover it.

Maybe I was wrong though.

02-12-2003, 04:30 PM
It wouldn't surprise me if it was just one formula the whole way. I just think we haven't put together enough data points to extrapolate across the whole set and so make formulas that fit in certain cases.

02-12-2003, 06:28 PM

OK, this link is where I got the formula.


02-12-2003, 10:02 PM
Thanks for the update SR. I haven't been to Magelo in a while. Guess I need to check in with them and see what they. Even if it isn't 100% accurate, it should still be clsoe enough for government work.
