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01-03-2002, 02:57 PM
Ok I figured out the Networking issues (finally) many thanks to all those who posted and helped out. I have SEQ 4 up and running and it's great :) However I have a couple problems while running it that maybe someone can shoot for me...

1. The hitpoints are all screwed up.. none of them seem remotely accurate. I either get 80, 100, 65,000 something or 0. Most recently I have been getting all 0's.

2. More importantly I am getting a whole lot of nothing in the info area. I am a newbie to SEQ (obviously) and I am not sure what is suposed to show there but I am getting no drop info. Is SEQ supposed to show drop info? Sometimes the stuff in the NPC's hands (i.e. Beserker Whips in OT) show up but thats it, nothing besides hand held stuff.

3. This has probably been answered but where is the easiest place to find a handbook of sorts for seq? I am very happy to have it up and running and would like to utilize it's full potential.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Please keep in mind I am a newbie with this stuff when you explain ;)


01-03-2002, 03:16 PM
0 and 65536 (-1) mean that you are too far from the mob and have not recieved any HP data yet.

Get closer to them to get HP info, and then you will get 100, this is a percentage of his hp.

Hit autoattack, cast spells, the 100 will decrease, and 1 of 2 things will happen, it will decrease to 0 and a corpse will be created, or you will die, and it will slowly raise back to 100.

Its been a very long time since HP data was sent to the client in raw form, and all you get on mobs is percentages. You still get real HP data on PC's if you are close enough to be recieving location updates.

2. It is impossible to see what a mob drops before you loot it, that information is not sent to the client until you see it after looting something.

What showeq will tell you, is the models of the equipment that you can see on the char (the client has to know how to draw the mob). So you can see something is wearing plate armor and a a 2HS sword model, and is giving off light, but you cannot tell what the mob will drop when you kill it.

3. read the source :), or talk to people in irc or experiment.

01-05-2002, 12:44 AM
Got it... thanks again all