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View Full Version : ShowEQ newbie Question

11-25-2002, 06:15 AM
*** EDIT ***

Nm my problem. I solved it. Either it was the mem location 0x0078aad0 in keyring ini, or the update of LibWQ.a (which I was unsure was the right one). Anyway it works now and it rocks.. =)


Greetings everyone!

Im a ShowEQ newbie, but been in the Linux/IT area for way too long (imho). I finaly gave after my morales and installed ShowEQ on my RedHat 8.0 box in my dusty corner and everything went excelent with compiles and so on.

Then I ripped the keysniffer source for Keyring 2 and compiled it under W2K pro and it also went fine.

Executed Keyring 2

Brought ShowEQ up on Linux box

Started EQ, made sure keysniffer got what it wanted and sent it away to ShowEQ.

Now to the question/problem.

I noticed at once that I was really alone in the zones. No mobs, no players, a lot of doors and some unknown stuff (which I don't want to take a close look at.. lol).

I suspect that it might be the sniffer, but since I use Keysniffer2 and it seems that one work and is up and running for a lot of happy people I am not 100 percent sure about it. Could something else generate this sort of lack of mobs, NPCs and Players?

*** EDIT ***

Just remembered I had a log in ShowEQ which I could check and 2 lines made me really suspicious about the decoding:

Decrypting and dispatching with key: 0x0000000000000000


EQPacket::dispatchZoneData():CharProfileCode: Not Decoded

This is a key problem right or...?