View Full Version : Ayone have problems resolving Plane of Tatics?

12-10-2002, 07:27 AM
Just in GPS mode the zone seems to lose all scale as it's resolving and I need to expand to 15x. Anyone else get this?

12-10-2002, 08:06 AM


Probably due to the bugs in these threads. I have both issues too. Sometimes there is a spawn several thousand ticks off of the map (almost every time in Nexus). I also get the character at 0,0 with a guild tag on my server and the name of the first part of an item I have in my bank. I don't remember who said this, but I believe it's a bug with the "You" character in the spawn list. This makes sense, as SEQ targets it by default every time the targeted mob is killed.

These are known issues, I'm just waiting to hear how they shake out.