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12-13-2002, 12:15 PM
I did a search for slow decode and such and did not find anything revelant. Anyways heres my question:

With RH8 I can zone into lets say Scarlet Desart and run all the way to The Grey and SEQ has not decoded yet. It was my understanding from all the posts that with the Keyscanner sending the actual key to the SEQ machine that Decode would be faster. I checked the "Terminal window" and a new decode key was sent to the SEQ box it just sits there processesing away at something. When I return to the SEQ main window it gives a locked up responce (I.E. Where the Terminal window was it shows all white). For 90% of the zones it decodes in a decent amount of time. Any ideas why its not a almost instant decode since SEQ has the key.

P3 600mhz , 512 MB Ram

Processor goes to 100% and Ram basically goes to full. If I wait approx 10 min in the zone it will decode then processor drops down to normal and memory about to half.

12-13-2002, 12:25 PM
You would of found these threads then, even doing a search for not updating or freezing:



12-13-2002, 12:26 PM
Sigh... These are from the first page. No searching even required.




12-13-2002, 01:27 PM
Yes yes. I read those. Did not seem to be 100% what I had.

I dont get "unknown" spawn just slow to decode for some zones.

It decode fine for most zone just certain zones its slow as all hell to decode. I've had to go as far as killing the SEQ process cause I am zoneing to a new zone and I want SEQ to work when I zone in. (I've left SEQ up while zoneing from one zone to another before decode could process. Was bad. took 30 min for it to catch up)

Guess I will drop this since people see Orange and not apple that I see.

12-13-2002, 01:37 PM
Umm.. you sure you read them.. there are choice lines like:

Your best bet is to download the qt-2.3.2 source and compile it.. then use that to compile ShowEQ. This will likely save you lots of trouble.

I know some folks claim to be using 3.05 and not having problems, but most who use 3.05 experienced serious performance related issues.

you should download and compile qt-2.3.2 into a seperate dir (leaving qt-3.0.5 rpm installed!). things have just been seen to work faster and better with the older version of qt. and it won't cause any problems since nothing in mdk or rh are looking for qt-2.3.2 at all :)

That will most likely fix your problem. I -really- don't recommend 3.0.5, yes it works, but it's buggy. You will most likely have worse performance, font issues, choppy movement, etc. I have done extensive testing with multiple versions of QT on Gentoo and keep coming back to 2.3.2.

Not sure what more you need here.. we are all seeing what your problem is just fine... nothing to do with unknown spawns.. slow performance.. both of the threads i posted have nothing to do with unknown spawns, but have to do with performance..



12-13-2002, 01:37 PM
What version of QT are you using with SEQ?

12-15-2002, 02:51 AM
This doesn't seem like your problem?

Recently I started having problems with my SEQ freezing... it starts taking up 99.9% of the CPU's time and such. It has only been happening in certain zones, OT, FM, WW, for example.. SOmetimes shutting it down and restarting it fixes it. But I am NOT sure what is going on.. somes times when it receives the key, it will fix itself.

Damn, sounds very close to me... That is the problem I had and people said to use the older QT and not 3.05.