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12-17-2002, 11:47 AM
Since this is a soapbox, I'm using it as such :) On a non game related topic, I'd like to see what ya'll think of Equilibrium if you've seen it.

Sadly, it's getting some poor reviews. IMHO, it's one of the best (if not the best) SF/Action movie I have seen all year, possibly in the past couple years.

With the huge derth of good Science Fiction and even Action movies over the last couple years, I was very suprised at and pleased with this movie. I'm not sure if it's released in all theaters around the US yet (or if it ever will be) as it was a "special engagement" LA/NY only kind of thing and a friend said I should go check it out (I had never heard of it). The movie stars Christian Bayle, Sean Bean and Taye Diggs.

Well, I arrived a couple minutes late and sat down to a dark and grainy looking picture of a guy (Christian Bayle) looking in the mirror and talking to his kid. I had a quick flashback to Gattica at that point and almost groaned.

The movie immediately picked up though and moved at a brisk pace as the storyline progressed. The first real memorable scene for me was the Gun Katta scene, when they are going through the motions. At the time, I didn't pay much attention to it, but it so seemlessly blended in with the later fight scenes, I really liked the effect it produced.

Before I get more into this, I'd like to hear others thoughts on it. I will say, though, that the "Oh shit" ending was absolutely kick ass and worth the price of admission alone. This was a pure action flic set in a SF setting and it delivered in spades. If you go expecting a deeper meaning, or what have you, you may be disappointed. I went without any expectations, however, and I was very pleased. The action was non-stop, but not over bearing and the store blended together fairly well. While there were a few minor nitpicks, I always expect them in SF stories, just because it's so hard to keep everything together.

Here's to hoping the Enders Game movie pans out as well or better.

A definite must see for any action/SF fans.

12-17-2002, 12:57 PM
An Enders game movie would be awesome IMO.

I loved that book so much I read the rest of the series on Enders Game's merit. I felt that the rest of the series lacked the spark that Enders Game gave me but since I already knew the main characters it was easy to get right into the other books.

I haven't seen Equilibrium yet but I intend to when I am able. I'll post on that once I see the movie, but with your review and what I've heard so far I will mostlikely enjoy it.

Haha Ratt, didn't like Gattaca? I didn't think that movie was all that bad. Kinda off, if you know what I mean and a little slow on the story sometimes but not a bad movie overall

Do you have any information on Enders Game hitting the "big screen"?

12-17-2002, 02:07 PM
I saw Equilibrium here. The fight scenes were impressive and I was glad to see they left out the Matrix-esque pause, move camera, restart action shots that have been showing up more often in Action flicks.

The story kept me interested when the action died down (can't always be shooting off the big guns, gotta have some dialogue in there somewhere).

Overall, I'd say if you can find it in a theater near you, go see it.

12-17-2002, 02:21 PM
Enders game was (and still is!) a GREAT book!

I wonder if someone ever thought of making a movie of "The Worthing Saga" either? That would be interesting with all the various story lines across time on Capitol...

Good old Abner Doon (Don't flame me if I don't remember the name correctly, I think I last read that book more than 5 years ago :) )

12-19-2002, 08:50 AM

ender's game the movie will be a reality as soon as they find enough 8-14 year olds (you can generally use kids that are 2 years older than the actual age) that have enough acting skill to deal with the parts =P

am teh win.

12-29-2002, 05:09 AM
I always thought to my self, Self... Enders Game would make an awesome movie, Of course they would have to leave this out and that. Um yeah nevermind. Let's just keep it in my head.

To fans of the book, OSC offers this reminder: "The movie can't show everything from either book, let alone both. So there will almost certainly be scenes and even plot threads that you cared about which are not present in the film. Fortunately, the books still exist, and so readers will be able to experience those scenes for many years in the future.

Now how many people who have not read the book, Will not read the book due to poor representation on the screen?

12-29-2002, 11:46 AM
I saw Uqulibium and enjoyed it. I dont think it was in the theaters here I never even seen a TV spot for it, I noticed it on the IRC and grabbed it. well worth the 90mins it took to download 900mb or whatever it was.

As for the "Pause" scenes in MAtrix(My Favorite movie)
The effects whiz is especially giddy today, because he finally gets to tell an outsider about “virtual cinematography,” his team’s big invention for the sequels, which will make bullet time look like finger painting.
/insert Drool here.

also the best movie that could EVER be made is William Gibson's Neromancer, it would blow Enders game away in my opinion.

PS:MY opinion on Enders game is not a good one being I only listened to part fo it as Audio book, remindedme a lot of Hitchickers guide to the galaxy so I never really got into it. Sorry.:(

01-02-2003, 03:22 PM
While I loved the book Neuromancer, after being somewhat underwhelmed by the Johnny Mnemonic movie, I don't know how optimistic I'd be about Neuromancer on the big screen. I envision a sort of punk version of Tron with updated effects, or a Matrix clone.

01-02-2003, 04:32 PM
I've never been much into the cyberpunk stuff... so I'm gonna have to say Enders game is far, far better than anything Gibson ever put out :)

I'm leary of the Enders Game movie, I hope they can pull it off Lord of the Rings style. Which leads me to another Soap Box thread... hm... off I go.

01-22-2003, 05:14 PM
Let's see what other good books would be awesome to see on screen...

DeathGate Cycle - Margret Weis and Tracy Hickman
This is an awesome series, and the screen play would obviously not be able to encompass the entire series. It would be a dark film, with tons of special effects.
Seeing Haplo covered in tattoos, getting attacked by those evil worms in the Laborynth would be one cool scene.
And seeing Alfred unintentionally explode with magic and morph into a huge dragon... all I can say is COOL.

I'll have to think about a few more... let me have a look through my collection and get back to you...

01-23-2003, 09:46 PM
Ender's Game is the only fiction book that is on the Marine Corps reading list. I read all of them including "In Ender's Shadow"

Let me tell you, getting the rest of the books now that I'm living in Australia was not easy but well worth it.

01-23-2003, 09:49 PM
Problem is that I don't know if they could ever get a movie to live up to the the books. DeathGate Cycle was very good.

Now you might think I'm weird but I've never read "The Lord of the Ring" series so while others complain about the movies a bit I enjoy them 100% and I get to bug others that have read the books about certian details I was unsure of.