View Full Version : spawnlog parser (sort mobs by lvl range)

12-19-2002, 05:57 PM
Could someone please run this for spawnlog.txt over the various PoP planes and post the output? I'd like to see what the level ranges of mobs are (for good exping, of course)

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my %minlvl=();
my %maxlvl=();
my @bins=();
my $DEBUG=0;
my ($lowest,$highest)=(0,100);

sub out
my ($mob) = @_;
print "$minlvl{$mob}-$maxlvl{$mob}\t$mob\n";

while (<>) {
next unless
my ($mob,$lvl,$zone) = ($1,$2,$3);
print "$mob\t$lvl\t$zone\n" if $DEBUG;
next if (
/s_(Mount|warder|familiar|corpse)$/ or
/^Eye_of_/ or
/^[GJKLVXZ]([aeio][bnrsk])+(n|tik)?$/ or
$mob = "$zone\t$mob";
if (defined($minlvl{$mob})) {
$maxlvl{$mob} = $lvl if ($lvl > $maxlvl{$mob});
$minlvl{$mob} = $lvl if ($lvl < $minlvl{$mob});
} else {
$minlvl{$mob} = $maxlvl{$mob} = $lvl;
# my @byminlvl = sort { $minlvl{$a} <=> $minlvl{$b} } keys %minlvl;
# for (@byminlvl) {
# &out($_);
# print "$minlvl{$_}-$maxlvl{$_}\t$_\n";
# }

for ($lowest .. $highest) {
$bins[$_] = [];
while (my ($k,$v) = each(%minlvl)) {
push @{$bins[$v]},$k;
for my $binno ($lowest .. $highest) {
for my $mob (@{$bins[$binno]}) {

12-20-2002, 06:43 AM
I couldn't get this to do anything. Changed DEBUG to 1 and still no dice.

cat spawnlog.txt | spawnparse.pl

12-20-2002, 07:27 AM
did you make spawnparse.pl executable?

man chmod

12-20-2002, 12:41 PM
So - you need perl installed.

You can run the program with:

cat spawnlog.txt | perl spawnparse.pl

cat spawnlog.txt | perl spawnparse.pl spawnlog.txt

No need to chmod or change the first line to point at `which perl`

Thanks for volunteering to run it =)

12-20-2002, 12:50 PM
By the way, the little single quotes on their own line at the beginning and end are not part of the program =) the forum inserts those when you use the code tag

OK, actually the forum added some whitespace, and split a long line into two so it's no wonder it didn't work =) I think this might be related to the smiley detection code (I disabled smilies of course).

I just tried pasting the code and running it ; it never made it past the first regexp, which had an extra space inserted at the beginning of the first regexp, and inserted a newline in the middle of it

Please try running this attachment.

12-20-2002, 12:55 PM
see attachment:

12-20-2002, 12:59 PM
My attachments show when I edit my post but not when I browse the forum; using latest IE and Mozilla. I do have javascript enabled.

12-20-2002, 01:02 PM
Took out some unnecessary backslashes and shortened lines, hoping regexp will quote ok:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my %minlvl=();
my %maxlvl=();
my @bins=();
my $DEBUG=0;
my ($lowest,$highest)=(0,100);

sub out
my ($mob) = @_;
print "$minlvl{$mob}-$maxlvl{$mob}\t$mob\n";

while (<>) {
next unless
my ($mob,$lvl,$zone) = ($1,$2,$3);
print "$mob\t$lvl\t$zone\n" if $DEBUG;
next if (
/s_(Mount|warder|familiar|corpse)$/ or
/^Eye_of_/ or
/^[GJKLVXZ]([aeio][bnrsk])+(n|tik)?$/ or
$mob = "$zone\t$mob";
if (defined($minlvl{$mob})) {
$maxlvl{$mob} = $lvl if ($lvl > $maxlvl{$mob});
$minlvl{$mob} = $lvl if ($lvl < $minlvl{$mob});
} else {
$minlvl{$mob} = $maxlvl{$mob} = $lvl;
# my @byminlvl = sort { $minlvl{$a} <=> $minlvl{$b} } keys %minlvl;
# for (@byminlvl) {
# &out($_);
# print "$minlvl{$_}-$maxlvl{$_}\t$_\n";
# }

for ($lowest .. $highest) {
$bins[$_] = [];
while (my ($k,$v) = each(%minlvl)) {
push @{$bins[$v]},$k;
for my $binno ($lowest .. $highest) {
for my $mob (@{$bins[$binno]}) {

12-20-2002, 01:03 PM
OK - that works after I pasted it from browser into a new file. I recommend anyone who posts code do the same, because this board mangles it.

12-20-2002, 03:00 PM
The 2nd version works. Nice. Now write one that figures out Quillmane's placeholders.


12-23-2002, 05:17 PM
Can somebody please post the resulting mob/level listing for PoP tier1-3 planes (the more, the merrier)

I don't actually have any of tier 2+ in my spawnlog (not using keysniffer) - I was hoping that somebody who has spent a lot of time in PoP could post the output of my script.

This is for exp purposes, of course (don't wanna fight anything 6 levels or lower than me). I don't trust Illia's bestiary listings for mob levels - they've been wrong before.

I guess it wasn't really necessary to sort the mobs by level - you can just use various combinations of 'sort' and 'grep' to get a desired view.

12-24-2002, 05:53 AM
Yeah, sorting by zone would have been more practical. Then that subset could be sorted by level.

I've only been to Tier 1 PoP zones (I R lame) but I'll post what I have later.

12-26-2002, 12:45 AM
Grep for a specific zone works fairly well; there aren't that many zones either.

You can use the command line 'sort' program to get any desired order.

Thanks, tier 1 would still be interesting.

12-26-2002, 06:57 PM
Small correction to the mob exclusion list.
You were excluding mobs that start with "#" and mobs with ' in their name, which excluded a number of named.

Added pet and mage_pet removal

next unless
my ($mob,$lvl,$zone) = ($1,$2,$3);
next if $mob =~ m/_pet$/;
next if $mob =~ m/^\w+00$/;

12-26-2002, 07:42 PM
I give up. I cant get attachments to show up.

I have mob info for


See this thread: http://seq.sourceforge.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2659