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View Full Version : A note of thanks

12-29-2002, 01:16 AM
To think the paths that SeQ has led me down, I stumbled upon SeQ one day while running a search for something game related and the Hackersquest site was one of the sites that came up. I was interested as I was playing EQ almost as many hours as I was working a week.

Now I've found myself playing EQ about 8 hours a month, and the other hours learing more about Linux, doing homework (enrolled in a c++ class upon the evolution of keysniffing) and just reading many of the related boards that are out there.

I'm still learning and my skills are far from being called adept but they are getting better :) I have become very good friends with man google and the forum search functions, having learned at an early age to post relevant concise topics when help is needed !!!

Thank you all , I'd still be a MS drone if it weren't for SeQ opening my eyes.