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View Full Version : Feature Request: Level Tracking in EXP Window

01-08-2003, 01:18 PM
Whenever you gain a level, the exp window does not recognize that your xp went back down to 0. It instead thinks you killed something for an obnoxious amount of xp which essentially rolls the counter over, back to 0. This is fine, except that the counter then uses this huge kill in its average xp/kill and xp/minute calculations and it says you only need a handful of kills to level again.

I'd like to see it recognize that you leveled, but not lose its count of total xp gained and total time played. As it is now, you have to reset the window and force it to start over.

I'm sure its not that useful for the high level characters, but for the lowbies, who can level in an hour or so, it would be nice to track xp even after leveling.