View Full Version : spell timers on new build

01-13-2003, 07:34 AM
From the cvs update on 1/12/2003.
I have gotten pretty much everything i wanted back up and running.

Except i have noticed that spell timers are not back up since the last patch?

I have looked over a few posts since the patch that broke everything and didnt see anything about it.

Gonna see if i can pull down the CVS at work and check all the docs there as well.

But figured wouldnt hurt to ask while im toying with our firewalls configs here :)

01-13-2003, 08:03 AM
From a search on "spell timers" :


Yes, it's still broken currently.

01-13-2003, 10:08 AM
*&^%*&$ @#$%^&$YDJHV&D


01-13-2003, 01:32 PM
I just submitted a patch that should correct some issues with spell casting.


Specifically, I think I have corrected issues with the following 3 packet types:

StartCastCode, 0x7e41
MemSpellCode, 0x8241
TimeOfDayCode, 0xf240


DISCLAIMER: I am NOT an EQ packet guru, your milage may vary, but this patch fixed the issues that *I* was having, and it's provided in the event that it may (or may not) help someone else.