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View Full Version : Strange SEQ Startup behavior since 4.3.4

01-17-2003, 12:48 PM
Hi folks:

I'm having a strange problem with SEQ that started with version 4.3.4. I start SEQ normally and then start EQ. SEQ knows that EQ started because I see something in the log about "unknown map" error (this error also shows when it's working right, see below). However, it doesn't bring up the GPS info or anything. Also feeding it the decode key does nothing either. If I now shut down SEQ and restart it (with EQ still running) I now get the player location beacon without a map, just like what always used to happen if you started SEQ after EQ was up. If I then zone everything starts working right (i.e. map comes up and GPS works, and decode key will bring up the mobs), however I still see the unknown map error messages everytime I zone. SEQ continues to work correctly from that point on, although I haven't tried exiting EQ and restarting it without bringing down SEQ to see if the startup breaks SEQ a second time. There appears to be something SEQ doesn't like now about the packets it sees when EQ first starts.

This behavior started with version 4.3.4. At first I thought it was because I was using QT 2.3.2, so I upgraded to 3.0.5 and that didn't fix it. Version 4.3.5 didn't fix it either. I'm currently compiling the spell timer patch, so I don't know if that changes anything.

As is I can make it work, but it's a pain having to shut SEQ down, restart it, and then zone, in order to get things working.

Suggestions appreciated.


01-17-2003, 02:54 PM
sounds like an outdated libEQ.a

01-17-2003, 03:27 PM
The MD5SUM of my libEQ.a is ddaac48baaa3e9b015984a366748ed72
which is what's listed at the top of the message forum as being current. There is only that one copy of libEQ.a anywhere on the disk.


01-17-2003, 03:46 PM
The "Unknown.map" thing is normal.

Are you specifically telling SEQ which IP address too look for? Or are you having it auto-detect (monitor next EQ client seen)?

01-17-2003, 04:01 PM
I'm giving it a specific IP address to watch for. I'm also seeing these messages BEFORE the character select screen comes up on EQ (I've blanked out the IP address and port info):

EQPacket: SEQStart detected, pcap filter: EQ Client xx.xx.xx.xx, Client port nnnn, Key port nnnnn

Warning: NewCorpseCode (4a40) (dataLen:2 != sizeof(newCorpseStruct):34)!

These messages don't come up until EQ is loading all the graphics stuff prior to the character select screen. I wasn't aware until now that SEQ was looking for anything prior to selecting a character. If I shutdown and restart SEQ while EQ is running the character location beacon comes up upon restart, but neither of those messages shows up.


01-18-2003, 07:09 PM
Additional information. The problem doesn't happen if you don't start SEQ until after the character select screen is up.
