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View Full Version : interesting SEQ behavior (still investigating)

01-22-2003, 10:55 PM
Running RH7.2 with gcc3.0.4 on a Quad PPro 200. Only thing I've changed was the kernel and the version of SEQ. I'm still using QT 2.3.2, but will probably upgrade later when I upgrade the system (RH8 or 8.1 when it comes out).

Prior to those updates, SEQ worked fine and was able to easily keep up with my EQ session. Now it doesn't miss the packets, just seems to lag in processing them and does it in fits and spurts (keeps up for 10s, then sleeps for a minute or so, then catches up, then sleeps, etc...). I suspect this has more to do with the kernel change then anything else SEQ related.

I saw Ratt's post in the Announcements forum, but ecn is not enabled

cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn

Old kernel version 2.4.18-18.7.xsmp
New kernel version 2.4.18-19.7.xsmp

Next stop, rpmfind.net and read the changelog for this rpm.

01-22-2003, 11:11 PM
I would recomend you stay the heck away from those redhat kernels. Don't really want to get into why here, but have a look at some of the things that get patched in.

I do recomend a vanila 2.4.21 kernel (when it becomes available). If you aren't using Ext3 then 2.4.20 will do you nicely untill 2.4.21 is available.


01-23-2003, 07:01 AM
what is wrong with using ext3 in say... 2.4.19? or any other kernel version that supports ext3?

01-23-2003, 09:57 AM

there are a handful of corruption issues that have been nailed out between 2.4.20 and 2.4.21pre-whatever.

01-23-2003, 02:12 PM
Interesting. The reason I'm using the kernels from RH is because I have yet to be able to succeed at building a kernel that can boot this system. The configuration is 6 hard drives, 3 4GB Raid5, 3 9GB Raid5 on a Mylex controller.

I guess I could just take the src.rpm for the kernel, grab the config file that it is using for my system (i686 smp) and then try to build a Vanilla kernel for this system using that config file as the basis. I use ext3 for all partitions with the exception of /boot which is just ext2 since it is so small and rarely changes.

01-23-2003, 02:55 PM
6 Hard Drives, RAID 5 on a Mylex Controller...

Isn't that a little bit of overkill for an SEQ Box?


01-23-2003, 05:36 PM
SEQ is the least little thing I have it doing. The system is ancient by most standards (Quad PPro 200 with 256MB RAM). I use it to do LAMP, test perl scripts and anything else I feel like thrashing its hard drives over :).

The closest thing I had to a dedicated SEQ box is my P150 Laptop, but I also do GPS/Kismet/MP3 playing on it when I leave the house.

The only other machine I have available I can't really get SEQ to work with out of the box. It is an old DEC Alpha Multia that I also use as a LAMP machine.

01-24-2003, 10:06 AM
that is some ancient stuff... the raid 5 makes it sound pretty cool... but then you say quad ppro 200 :)

you think dual celeron 550's is faster than quad 200 ppros?

01-24-2003, 10:09 AM
a Quad PPro system is about as fast as a 750MHz single CPU box. Dual 550MHz Celerons would be equivalent to just over a 1GHz single CPU. This, of course, only takes into account the internal cache and clock rate of the CPU. A true 1GHz CPU should be able to out do those two Celerons because of a better FSB and memory bandwidth.