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View Full Version : Segmentation Faults - Group Invite & Disband

01-10-2002, 08:00 AM
SEQ Team,

I just thought I would stop by and post a few recent findings regarding SEQ 4.0. I have had virtually no issues with the new versions regarding decoding, zone populating, etc.

I did want to pass on that it does seem to still segmentation fault here and there. This mostly happens when I am the group leader (on the PC that is being snooped). When I invite people, and other people are in the group, but in the other zone, I will crash with a segmentation fault. When I disband someone, and other group members are in the other zone, I will get a segmentation fault. Sometimes, when I just disband or add a player to a group, I will get a segmentation fault.

I also have noticed that the internal speaker does not seem to beep like it used to. I havent tried the speakers yet, since I only have like 1 watt non-powered speakers that I can't hear anything through.

Please let me know if I can provide any more testing or debuging to the team. Thank you for your time and effort, and the creation of a wonderful utility.


01-12-2002, 01:04 PM
You are getting good results with decrypt? I am having a mixed bag. Some zones decrypt every time. Others segfault me everytime, so I have to restart showeq and F1 to load the map and live with unknown spawns in that zone. Wakening Lands and Greater Fay are too really bad ones off the top of my head. I segfault just after the eqplayer() function is called when decrypt key is found.