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Blind Aviator
02-04-2003, 01:06 AM
Is it possible to add a faction tracking window similar to the exp tracking window??

02-04-2003, 01:12 AM
no. faction numbers are no longer sent to the client, they have been replaced by an enumeration representing your current faction, so the client knows which message to print. ie, we know that your faction with X is scowling, but theres no way to tell whether thats -500 or -1000 (or whatever the range is).

02-04-2003, 02:33 AM
So, nothing is sent to the client when the faction message is received anymore? The client only receives the faction enumeration when you 'consider' something, correct?

02-04-2003, 02:38 AM
i'm not exactly sure i understand what you mean. we USED to get an exact number. maybe in the range of -1500 to +1500, and the client determined if that was scowls, ally, etc...

now, we get a number between say... 1 and 9, which JUST corrisponds to scowls, ally, etc...

so seq STILL does see the faction messages... but its the same thing the client reports in the same way so it isn't really anything special. it has NEVER been able to tell your faction w/o a /consider command being done.

02-04-2003, 03:03 AM
It still might be interesting to track the displayed value (kos to ally)

02-04-2003, 09:35 AM
I think what was being asked, was whether or not we could have a window that keeps track of every faction message that we see. For example, after killing a mob we get several plus factions, and minus factions. A net total of these might be useful.

02-04-2003, 10:17 AM
The problem is, that faction message may be a change of 1 "faction point" or 100 "faction points", there is no way of knowing... all you could do is list them out. Try /log, if that is what you are looking for.. it does the same thing.


02-04-2003, 12:54 PM
Yeah, the logfile works fine for this. I used a batchfile to find all faction messages when I was trying to go from KOS with frogloks to ally.

@echo off
find /i "Your faction standing with Frogloks of Guk got better" "C:\everquest\eqlog_Blah_00.txt" > frogs.txt

Blind Aviator
02-04-2003, 09:05 PM
Actually what I was asking is if it was possible to track the amount of faction on each faction hit...
Everytime you get a faction hit there has to be some kinda of data sent between client and server for the amount of faction gained or lost with each kill otherwise how would the server keep track of your faction adjustments each time??

There has to be something transmitted that adjusts the faction level each kill on the servers database??

Don't really know that much about programming and even less about the internals of EQ in general...

02-04-2003, 09:45 PM
Everytime you get a faction hit there has to be some kinda of data sent between client and server for the amount of faction gained or lost with each kill otherwise how would the server keep track of your faction adjustments each time??

There has to be something transmitted that adjusts the faction level each kill on the servers database??

Why must there be? You just said why there MUST not be several times in the above quote.

02-04-2003, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Blind Aviator
otherwise how would the server keep track of your faction adjustments each time??


There has to be something transmitted that adjusts the faction level each kill on the servers database??

Umm. If it's in the server's database (and no it's not transmitted) then the client will never receive this.

Your client knows your current faction state (dubious, threatning, etc.). Your client does NOT know the faction number (-1000, 1500, etc.) When you kill a creature that gives a faction hit, the change to your faction is stored on the server; you will not receive a change until you go from dubious to threatning for example.

If you read your question again, you answered youself when you stated that it was on the "server database"

02-04-2003, 10:05 PM
Actually, your client doesnt even know your current faction. ALL your client knows is what a particular mob cons to you. It doesnt even know what faction that mob is on.


02-04-2003, 10:36 PM
Does the client know what you con to ALL mobs in the current zone, or just the mob that you 'con' at that particular moment.

02-04-2003, 10:43 PM
Just the mob that you con. I seen this posted somewhere already. The client recieves a number, 1-9.

Blind Aviator
02-05-2003, 12:34 AM
Like I said I know very little about programming... Also know very little about databases (thank god)....

Am not used to thinking along the lines of client and server for games...

Am beginning to see where I made my mistake now... For some reason (don't ask me why) I was thinking everything we did was client side when I know better....
That led to the conclusion of the client having info it did not possess....

Hard to explain what I mean but I understand better now how the factioning works and where I made my mistake...