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03-10-2003, 11:51 AM
For dual compers and triple compers I think this would be very useful. I'd like to write a program that watches the data stream and plays a sound file when one of your toons fizzles or if a charm wears off, etc. I can't tell you the amount of times that my melee has been waxed because I didn't realize a heal didn't go off.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I'd really prefer to write this application to run behind everquest on the windows box if at all possible. However, is there a way to make an Seq box execute a sound when certain events happen and can one instance of Seq monitor several boxes well enough to play the sound for when it happens?


03-10-2003, 12:19 PM
There are programs that do this now but they don't report back to seq. Seach for the many log file analyzers that are out there.

03-10-2003, 05:13 PM
On the melee's EQ filters, have PC spells set to group only. Then, you'll see if your cleric fizzles. I run the same setup (healer/melee) and had trouble with that sometimes, until I changed my filters.

03-11-2003, 02:24 AM
Eq Watcher has lots of great features like this one and more.
and it can be customized to do all sorts of neat little things

Joe Blow
03-11-2003, 06:11 AM
What you may be looking for is Xylobot.

03-11-2003, 06:26 AM
isn't this more of a risk to use than seq

03-11-2003, 12:32 PM
i 3 box war cleric shaman and about the fizzle, on my cleric i use hotkeys for casting spells, i have died a couple times cause she fizzled and i didnt see it so this is what my hotkey looks like for CH

/stand up
/cast 1
/cast 1
/g Complete Healing -- %t

CH is in slot 1, so if she fizzles the first one then she casts again..if she fizzle 2 times..bad luck..take it and die or add another /cast 1 line =p

03-11-2003, 01:23 PM
The program you want is EQ Watcher Advanced. Just search it, it's got everything you want, and unlike xylobot or so it's no-where near illegal to use.

One of the better log parsers out there, tho I find it has some problems.

03-11-2003, 01:34 PM
You may want to add /pause 1 in between each command. It deals with the issue of lag when sometimes commands get skipped over.

/pause 1
/cast 1
/pause 1
/cast 1
/g "CH to %t!!"
.... its a big one, but it can save you.

03-11-2003, 04:22 PM
Can consolidate that hotkey:

/pause 1,/stand
/pause 1,/g CH %T
/pause 1,/cast 1
/pause (CH cast time * 10),/cast 1

Pause written before a command on the same line will pause after the command

/pause 100,/cast 1
will cast 1 then pause 10 sec.

03-11-2003, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by Tyro
Can consolidate that hotkey:

/pause 1,/stand
/pause 1,/g CH %T
/pause 1,/cast 1
/pause (CH cast time * 10),/cast 1

Pause written before a command on the same line will pause after the command

/pause 100,/cast 1
will cast 1 then pause 10 sec.

the idea isnt to cast 2 CHs, its to catch a fizzel. so you dont want the pause to be the full cast time, just the minimum time to make it detect both casts without glossing over one.

usually the best way to handle it is to cast first, then have the text, then cast the second time.

/cast 1
/g CH on %t
/cast 1

I have never had that type of macro fail to attempt to cast both times. (and if you didnt fizzle it just reports you cant use that command whie casting)

03-12-2003, 11:00 AM
The long pause is not in between the CH's, it is After the second CH. You have to pause the casting time before you can sit down.

What I wrote will not cast 2 CH's. It will cast 1, then tell you not ready or whatever the error is, Unless you fizzle then it will fizzle then cast the CH.

My hotkey is the equivalent of:

/pause 1
/g CH %T
/pause 1
/cast 1
/pause 1
/cast 1
/pause (CH cast time * 10)

Except my hotkey is short enough to fit in the 5 lines of a hotkey.

03-15-2003, 09:08 PM
Xylobot is not too much worse than SEQ, it moves the mouse and sends keyboard strokes, you can record this and playback or you can use some Dephi script to write more advanced programs, however it doesn't actually read or write to the data stream, but it does add windows to your client and stuff. could be bad, but I enjoy goofing with it. makes fishing and repetitive (ugg, Fudd spells gud) BS stuff easy.

However in this case I have to agree with everyone else EQ Watcher is what your looking for http://www.eqwatcher.com

Install it and by default it'll beep on some key events, and I think a couple commands will make it beep when it sees "Fizzled" come up in your log file.

Ta, and Good luck,