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View Full Version : Hoping SOE Reads This Forum Still

03-22-2003, 01:41 PM
It's been well over a month since the last "partial" SEQ fix by Mvern. I've waited patiently until the past week when I've fired off a few PM's to try to get an update.

From everything I can gather SEQ development, although not dead, has slowed down a bit. (See the post by Casey noting this.) Also, it appears that the latest changes by SOE have most likely been more difficult to fix. If not, then it's possible the developers are holding back release of a fix for some unknown reason. It doesn't really matter.

What does matter is that my enjoyment of EQ has dropped tremendously since these long waits for fixes started. As such I've decided to delete and cancel all 5 of my current accounts. I won't sell them (don't need the money) and I won't just cancel the accounts. I intend to delete the toons entirely.

Why? I want to send my own small message to SOE that because they chose to force the issue with SEQ (key sniffer requirement, tougher encryption, etc., etc.) that they will no longer reap the beneficial revenue of my 5 accounts. It's not a big thing but it is the ONLY way I can speak my mind and let them feel a little pain of less revenue.

So I say to SOE...."So Long. It was fun until you screwed over SEQ, so now I will take my $92 per month (4 regular and one Legends) and play other games."

To all of you that continue to play and enjoy EQ, I wish you good luck and further enjoyment. I hope they release a fixed version soon for you.


03-22-2003, 05:57 PM
of course in reality, this guy has one account, his mother pays for it for him and he lied about the other 4 accounts in a blind threat to sony.

who cares! everyone here cancel their EQ accounts! wont make one bit of difference because EQ continues to grow beyond sony's wildest dreams.

They originally thought that if they had 70,000 subscribers and that the game lasted 16 months, that it would be more than they could have asked for ... its been 4 years now and over 430,000 subscribers!

seq users can quit all they want in glorious fashion like Hobo is pretending to do and it wont matter at all.

03-22-2003, 06:23 PM
Surak stfu until you know what the fuck you are talking about. As many will atest I've been around SEQ since the old HQ days and I don't much appreciate your unsubstantiated comments. So pull your head out of your ass and quit licking your balls. Get your jollies elsewhere.


03-22-2003, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by Surak
of course in reality, this guy has one account, his mother pays for it for him and he lied about the other 4 accounts in a blind threat to sony.

obviously ...

Being frustrated and lashing out using ones only social contact is understandable, but I really didn't think there was a more useless tact to the "bother the devs, insult open source, question SEQ's future" dribble.


03-22-2003, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by Surak
seq users can quit all they want in glorious fashion like Hobo is pretending to do and it wont matter at all.

Unfortunately Surak is at least correct with the quoted line above. Even if all of SEQ users quit, Sony wouldnt care. Hell, they would be happy.

I know that Sony has lost a LOT of customers due to their next to nothing customer support. Do they care? No because they made their money. They will keep stringing people along as long as they can and will keep it going until the day they start to lose money.

03-23-2003, 05:41 AM
You dont bite the hand that feeds you


You make the passive sniffing of eq code undoable you are wiping your own ass with your hand. Yes the devs on this forum might give up on the passive linux showeq project, but aslong as there are people filling your servers, there will be people who will do their best to have a reliable GPS with spawns working.

So what will happend, what does the future have in store?

Client side data sniffers udp data transfers to another or / same windows machine, java clients showing EQ, dummys making the installation less retarded than writing a powerpoint slide. Yes every n00b and his mom will have the later version, and you wont be able to do anything.

Updates will take less time, the amouth of people using it will increase, while it increase the revenous you will loose banning everyone using it will too, that is IF you ever make a smart solution for detecting pure memory reading processes "GL".

So you introduce the map system, hello showeq rippoff. The GPS is nice but some people want more, they dont want to walk on one of your 1000 moving see invis traps in ME or akheva or whatever, when i logon i have a certain time i can play, i dont want to die by your bullshit invis traps when im going somewhere, its just not part of the fun in game i like to have. I could live without spawns working but not at the cost of what it is atm, not with the game you created.

As many people puts it, EQ is a great game its a 8 out of 10, with show eq its a 10.

Now i wouldent claim its a 8 anymore, its gotten more boring i would say a 6, still with showeq its a 8 and would make the game worth while.

To everyone bitching on the devs here for updates or whatever, yes an update is possible, but the network code is not stable, they have changed it too much lately to be worth while the work to keep up supporting this fast at this time, for passive linux showeq usage.

To SoE, with this new data package, you added yet another xyz angle, its called Q-angle couse the mobs dont know where the fuck they are going, ghosting all over the place.

03-23-2003, 08:09 AM
What can one say to a man that decides to quit 4 accounts due to SEQ not working? I just say.. ROFLMAO!!!

And to even think that your $92 does make a difference.. And do you really believe that SOE done this to break SEQ?? Really? That SOE really are not optimizing their way of transferring packets through the network to make things better for players, but rather do this to break SEQ? Omg.. Truly.. EQ will do much better without you..

03-23-2003, 11:02 AM
To all you guys who are lauging at him... WTF?

How else can you disapprove of the non-illegal actions of a corportion that's trying to sell you something? You vote with your wallet. That's exactly what you *should* be doing everytime a company does something you don't like. You take your money (or travelers checks, as the case may be) to a competing establishment (Noooo salt!).

Sony does a lot of bad, bad things... and I try to buy alternate stuff to Sony whenever possible. I've cancled several of my accounts I probably would have otherwise kept open, and I try not to buy Sony products (not because of what they've done to EQ, for other reasons. RIAA being one of them.)

No, one person quitting isn't going to affect Sony's bottom line, but over time, and if they piss off enough people, all those "one persons" add up.

03-23-2003, 11:14 AM
I am going to assume that, since your ultimate goal in quitting EQ is because you dont enjoy it anymore, and that your making your own personal statment by doing it, not trying to "hurt" SOE.

I also am going to assume, naturally of course that you posted this on Sony's boards also, since if you really want them to read it, that would be the best place. I would make sure and post your Account(s) Info too, so they know you actually play EQ.

Any persued banning as a result of that post wont mater right? Your quitting.

03-23-2003, 01:23 PM
If he posted on any other forum he would just start a huge anti seq thread. Which is totally not the point of his post. His post was not inflammatory. He just said what he was going to do and why. He assumed incorrectly that the people here would be reasonable. His mistake was in not noticing that this board has devolved into a flame gallery for the puerile to take out their angst at their sad lot in life. Apparently for lack of SEQ some people have to get their squirts by by flaming people for no other reason than a pathetic attempt to make themselves feel good by putting down others.


03-23-2003, 01:40 PM
I couldn't agree more...

These boards used to be humane, and people could post such things as he did without the thought of being flamed.

It's gotten to the point where every time I come here to check the boards, I'm expecting threads to have massive amounts of flaming.

03-23-2003, 05:00 PM
In fact if I was SOE I would be extremely happy with the state of SEQ and these boards.
I can’t help feeling this is a becoming a good example of a honey pot.
Just remember every time you flame you are helping SOE push more people away from SEQ.

03-23-2003, 05:46 PM
Just remember every time you flame you are helping SOE push more people away from SEQ.

Less people using SEQ > all

03-23-2003, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by Amadeus

Less people using SEQ > all

Hey there dipstick, other than trying to suck up to someone much greater than yourself....

The general theory is - Less could very well be 0 or 1. Are you going to be in that group you selfish little bastard :p

Go fish...

Ok.. I had fun with this.. take it as shit talk and walk with it :P

03-24-2003, 09:28 AM
Hobo, why don't you send the message right to SOE then? They have E-mail accounts you know. Go right to the source I say...

03-24-2003, 09:20 PM
Alfred, don't be such an ass. You should know by now who's side I'm on. My point is that the less people using SEQ, the less people that Jeeves has to beat into 'search' submission, and the less people bringing unwanted attention by REALLY causing problem for SOE.

My point is that SEQ got way too easy for the regular, average player to figure out and some people just can't keep their 'cheating' to a reasonable level and thereby keep the attention of SOE 'at bay'.

So yea, the less people using SEQ, the better in my opinion, I don't care if that sounds selfish or not .....make sense now?

03-25-2003, 02:52 AM
Damn.. now the government set the speed limit on the highway where i live down to 50mph ... Aint fun to drive anymore.. I used to enjoy driving at higher speeds, but now at 50mph.. it's not funny at all.

Hell.. they aint getting away with that.. Ill sell my car, and take the bus.. THAT gonna show them a thing or two.. Now they wont get my $250 in roadtaxes every year.. Haha.. i WIN :)

03-25-2003, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by Amadeus
Alfred, don't be such an ass. You should know by now who's side I'm on. My point is that the less people using SEQ, the less people that Jeeves has to beat into 'search' submission, and the less people bringing unwanted attention by REALLY causing problem for SOE.

My point is that SEQ got way too easy for the regular, average player to figure out and some people just can't keep their 'cheating' to a reasonable level and thereby keep the attention of SOE 'at bay'.

So yea, the less people using SEQ, the better in my opinion, I don't care if that sounds selfish or not .....make sense now?

Damnit Boy! Of course I understand! I was in the mood for some shit talkin and you let me down. ;)

Oh well. :)

03-25-2003, 10:26 AM
hehe....SEQ's time of the month ;)

03-26-2003, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by CybMax
Damn.. now the government set the speed limit on the highway where i live down to 50mph ... Aint fun to drive anymore.. I used to enjoy driving at higher speeds, but now at 50mph.. it's not funny at all.

A better analogy would be a toll road that lowered the speed limit and the driver deciding to take another road. The original poster isn't going to sell his computer, he's just not going to pay his toll to play this game anymore.