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View Full Version : Java SOE Map Viewer

03-23-2003, 02:42 PM
Hi Folks,

Below find attached the java source file which allows the display of any SOE-format map file. It requires v1.4 or later of the j2sdk, I believe, although it likely wouldn't be hard to dumb it down to make it work with prev versions (I suspect the String.split() function might be the only v1.4-specific function I made use of, which really wouldn't be too hard to rewrite, since I'm not really doing anything terribly complicated with it. There may be other v1.4-specific functions in there too, I really didn't check that closely, ymmv).

I gleaned a great deal of knowledge from the various perl scripts linked in these threads, credit goes out to the authors of those.

To use:
1) copy the CartView.java source to a directory somewhere
2) issue the command "javac CartView.java"
3) to run the program, change to that directory then enter the command "java CartView"

Alternatively, to use the .jar file if you only have the JRE installed without the full j2sdk,

1) copy the CartView.jar file to a directory somewhere
2) to run the program, change to that directory then enter the command "java -classpath CartView.jar CartView"

Things I wanted to do but didn't yet:
1) add the ability to print
2) add the ability to deal with dragged/dropped map files