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View Full Version : Realtime mob movement

04-17-2003, 02:51 PM
Just an observation (and a compliment).. not a request at all :)

This software totally ROCKS as regards speed of mob position update.

I'm not sure why exactly, whether it was due to Linux network, display, or library processing, net traffic speed, or just the way the old SEQ was designed, but mob position updates were slow Slow SLOW... like one a second or so.. for a moderately populated zone.

With MySEQ, it is so COOL to just sit and watch PoK for example, and watch all the players moving around in REAL TIME! You can actually track them and watch where they are going! You could NEVER do this with SEQ.. one moment they would be... here... and then two seconds later.... there....

I run a 100BaseT backbone between the client and server machine, and it doesn't even take 5% of my network bandwidth, so I have absolutely no complaints about network utilization. Reading the spawn positions directly from memory is a MUCH better technique than having to deal with the constant harrassment of reading the stuff off the net. I believe that the system can be made virtually undetectable, and in the end will be as safe as SEQ was.

GREAT job CMB :))


04-17-2003, 05:19 PM
You probably didnt have "animate spawns" turned on in ShowEQ.. the data it is getting is basically identical to what ShowEQ had.


04-17-2003, 07:51 PM
I had animated spawns on and unless the person was in your group, it was not updated in real time. You could click on a person and run there and they would be gone. In MYSeq, you see everyone move. At least, this is how it worked for me.