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View Full Version : Unknowns and Not Updating

04-18-2003, 07:04 PM
Spent about an hour in PoI and starting getting Unknowns.
Also, did Gnome Walk and when I targeted Gnome, SEQ still had him in the bldg he starts at, when he was halfway to destination.

Anyone else having this kind of problem yet? :eek:

04-18-2003, 07:07 PM
The problem with unknowns turning up it has been a long standing bug that has never been tracked down. Also, if it was a PC, packets arent sent any more unless they are in range (from what I remember).

04-19-2003, 04:44 PM
I get the same problem, all mobs and pcs decode fine when i zone in, however any that pop after zoning appear as unknowns.

- I also get velocity lines going vertically at insane speeds, but with animate spawns turned off this seems to calm down after a while.

I'm not complaining though, its great to have SEQ up and running again /cheer

04-20-2003, 03:24 AM
Nod same here most mobs that spawn after Zonein are shown as unknown ...

04-20-2003, 05:26 AM
This is a new bug that I think concerns the number of items that you have on your character and in your bank. If this number surpasses a certain amount, SEQ fails to do soemthing and you start getting unknowns.

There is already a thread about this in the developement forum, have a look: http://seq.sourceforge.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3235

04-20-2003, 05:52 AM
Thank you ... I have LoY and my Bank ist nealy full ... did some framing the last days ( no has nothing to do with SEQ :D ) need items for thurg potion.

I will try it out tomorrow or so...

Happy Easter

04-20-2003, 12:48 PM
Yes, you have too much gear. You should give all your gear to me. Anything that's no-drop you can simply delete. If you have more than 1pp in the bank, you should give your money to me, as well.

All your base are belong to us!

04-21-2003, 02:59 AM
:p No ;)

04-21-2003, 01:42 PM
I noticed this issue with SEQ in SK. What seems to be happening from looking at the console messages is that SEQ thinks it saw a zone packet and is waiting for you to zone in somewhere. After that, the console spits out nothing and while I can see myself moving and mobs around me moving, new spawns come up as unknown.

04-21-2003, 06:01 PM
Could SEQ still be listening for the zone packet info from the key proggy? :)

Bob the builder
04-21-2003, 10:17 PM
the console spits out nothing and while I can see myself moving and mobs around me moving, new spawns come up as unknown.

Same thing here. New spawns pop in as Unkown. Everything else seems to be working well.

04-22-2003, 03:42 AM
I have the same problem it dont even show the spawns until i con them and when people enter the zone where i am in allmost never will they be registred so something is wrong with the update rutine im sure. maybe they have disguised the spawn data since the game catches it but not the SEQ... i realy hope this will be fixed soon since im about to do my monk quest and i realy need to keep track of spawns...

04-22-2003, 04:08 PM
I've cleaned out the bank, done everything I know to do, and I still don't see my own char displayed on the map. (Yes, the map has show player set to ON). No skittle for my char, no range circle, nothing. Everything else seems to be working perfectly. Anyone else seen this problem?

04-22-2003, 08:53 PM
After tracking down where the error comes from, and looking at the source(I still suck at programming, tho I can still usually read code, can't fix it tho), I'm amazed that it even functions at all. Of course I'm basing this on the comments in the code...


case CPlayerItemsCode:
unk = false;
// This is all totally broken, and needs to be rewritten to work like
// the door code, but I don't care enough to do it

Further down in the code, you can see the one place where the error message shows up.

if (!decoded)
printf("EQPacket: could not decompress CPlayerItemsCode 0x%x\n", opCode);

It's my guess that the problem lies in this area, or in the decode process itself.

Any of you wanna look at it while I continue my opcode hunting? Source file is packet.cpp