View Full Version : RemDropCode found!

04-20-2003, 02:32 AM
Well, it was an easy check... but I've found it.

The new RemDropCode should be "0x00d0"

Simply update that in your opcodes.h file and recompile.

Now I'm not much of a coder these days, so I can't do much else... but hopefully this will help some of you groundspawn junkies.

(Woot! my first post!)

04-20-2003, 05:43 AM
Ok, I found several more missing opcodes...

I also don't know what a few others would be called...

For example, 0x0019 is a message to adjust your HP(both increase and decrease). I don't know what name this goes under(if any)[My guess would be CharUpdateCode, but I don't really know]

Anyhow... attached is an edited version of opcodes.h I've moved about 10 opcodes up, but still have to hack out the lower ones.

And please... If I'm screwing anything up, please let me know. I've been silently lurking this forum for about 2 years now, and want to make sure I contribute properly.

Bah! stupid attachments don't work... Let's try this...

** opcodes.h
** ShowEQ Distributed under GPL
** http://sourceforge.net/projects/seq/

#ifndef OPCODES_H
#define OPCODES_H

** Please be kind and remember to correctly re-order
** the values in here whenever you add a new item,
** thanks. - Andon

/* World Server OpCodes */

#define ZoneServerInfo 0x0480

#define ClientHashCode 0x3941

#define GuildListCode 0x0f00

/* Zone Server OpCodes */

#define ZoneEntryCode 0x0010

#define CharProfileCode 0x0084

#define ChannelMessageCode 0x0133

#define PlayerPosCode 0x0136

#define ConsiderCode 0x0165

#define ZoneSpawnsCode 0x0179

#define ClientTargetCode 0x017c

#define CPlayerItemsCode 0x01f6

#define NewSpawnCode 0x023a

#define MobUpdateCode 0x0242

#define sWhoAllOutputCode 0x025e

#define NewZoneCode 0x00ba

#define DeleteSpawnCode 0x00ca

#define EmoteTextCode 0x00c1

#define MakeDropCode 0x00d1

#define DoorSpawnsCode 0x01f7

#define GuildMemberUpdate 0x02a0

#define NpcHpUpdateCode 0x0263

#define SpawnUpdateCode 0x014a

#define NewCorpseCode 0x00e5

#define RemDropCode 0x00d0

#define cSenseHeadingCode 0x006a

#define cCursorItemCode 0x015a

#define cConCorpseCode 0x021a

#define cStartCampingCode 0x0206

#define cJumpCode 0x00a6

#define FormattedMessageCode 0x021c

#define OpenVendorCode 0x00ce

#define DoorOpenCode 0x0111

#define cItemInShopCode 0x0080

#define xBuffDropCode 0x0160

/* outdated */

#define ZoneChangeCode 0xff01

#define CorpseLocCode 0xf014

#define ActionCode 0xf04d

#define TimeOfDayCode 0xf0fe

#define SpawnAppearanceCode 0xf101

#define ManaDecrementCode 0xf175

#define StartCastCode 0xf174

#define MemSpellCode 0xf178

#define ExpUpdateCode 0xf187

#define AltExpUpdateCode 0xf209

#define DropCoinsCode 0x0740

#define RemoveCoinsCode 0x0820

#define SysMsgCode 0x1420

#define PlayerAACode 0x1522

#define cRunToggleCode 0x1f40

#define GroupInfoCode 0x2640

#define MoneyThingCode 0x2820

#define CharInfo 0x2e40

#define TradeContainerInCode 0x3040

#define TradeItemInCode 0x3140

#define TradeBookInCode 0x3440

#define xBuyItemCode 0x3540

#define sSpellFizzleRegainCode 0x3542

#define MoneyUpdateCode 0x3d41

#define GroupAcceptCode 0x3d20

#define GroupInviteCode 0x3e20

#define GroupDeclineCode 0x4140

#define sSpellInterruptedCode 0x4142

#define CloseGMCode 0x4321

#define GroupDeleteCode 0x4420

#define sDoneLootingCode 0x4421

#define CloseVendorCode 0x4541

#define CastOnCode 0x4640

#define cLootCorpseCode 0x4e20

#define cDoneLootingCode 0x4f20

#define MoneyOnCorpseCode 0x5020

#define ItemOnCorpseCode 0x5220

#define CharUpdateCode 0x5521

#define StaminaCode 0x5741

#define cOpenSpellBookCode 0x5821

#define PlayerItemCode 0x6441

#define PlayerBookCode 0x6541

#define PlayerContainerCode 0x6641

#define SummonedItemCode 0x7841

#define SummonedContainerCode 0x7921

#define NewGuildInZoneCode 0x7b21

#define SPMesgCode 0x8041

#define BindWoundCode 0x8341

#define cTrackCode 0x8441

#define cSneakCode 0x8521

#define cHideCode 0x8641

#define SkillIncCode 0x8941

#define IllusionCode 0x9140

#define WearChangeCode 0x9240

#define cForageCode 0x9440

#define LevelUpUpdateCode 0x9841

#define OpenGMCode 0x9c20

#define sLootItemCode 0xa040

#define Attack2Code 0xa140

#define BeginCastCode 0xa940

#define InspectDataCode 0xb640

#define BookTextCode 0xffd2

#define xTradeSpellBookSlotsCode 0xce41

#define BadCastCode 0xd321

#define TradeItemOutCode 0xdf40

#define RandomCode 0xe741

#define LFGCode 0xf041

#define cWhoAllCode 0xf440

#define cChatFiltersCode 0xff41

#endif // OPCODES_H

edit: Door Open Code was wrong... 0110 was the client open door request, but 0111 is the servers door open code.

04-20-2003, 10:41 AM
If you'd create a patch and upload it to the patch sections, I can see about getting it added into the code base.

04-20-2003, 12:44 PM
go to your showeq dir, then:

cvs diff -c > ../mypatch

(the -c is optional, you can add -z3 to enable compression, etc)

04-20-2003, 01:35 PM
Ok, I was able to follow the commands above, and now have a nice new .diff file... (had to add ".diff" to the end of the command) Only problem now is(i'm such a newb) I can't seem to locate a way to "upload it to the patch sections".

I would really like to know how to do this... Even tho my programming skills suck these days, I still do like to solve puzzles. Opcode hunting seems fun.

I even used the search button to look for "upload patch section". Got 2 threads that didn't help. Is there a FAQ on this hidden somewhere?

edit: typos

04-20-2003, 02:00 PM
Login to sourceforge (different cookies than forums, so you have to login twice). Go to the SEQ patches section and there should be a link to 'submit new' (if you have logged in to sf)

04-20-2003, 02:41 PM
Many thanks...

After a bit of looking, I finally realized that I needed a "new" account for that section. Anyhow, it's up there now. I hope it proves useful to the masses.

After this, I may have to search the code and find out how it uses these opcodes. Heck, if I can find em, maybe I can add some comments in opcode.h that explain exactly what each opcode is for(to assist in reassigning the correct values in the future)