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12-19-2001, 12:04 PM
Ratt, I notice you have uploaded some files on CVS relating to SEQ V4, i assume its only a part upload as there are no new files in the src directory or are my eyes as screwed as my brain :)

12-19-2001, 12:27 PM
I browsed through it, it appears that SEQ 4 is up. Its no longer in the linux module, it is now in the showeq module. Check the CHANGES and README.libEQ file for all the details everyone has been bitching about.

12-19-2001, 03:08 PM
OMG gcc 3.x?

Why oh why are we forced to use gcc 3.x now?

Aside from the fact that I think it is of dubious quality it is going to be a royal pain to get it installed on my old Redhat machine which has very little free disk space and is very slow and is going to cause all kinds of problems with the older installs of other things I have there.

Grumble, grumble.... bad move. Like Verant upping the system requirements on the game.

Grumble, grumble... guess I will wipe the disk and put a fresh 7.2 and hope everything fits.

Sorry, I never really complain... but this move irked me a bit. I suppose there must be a reason and that it is wonderful... but I am still allowed to be irked.

12-19-2001, 04:29 PM
Think of it not as Up'ing the system requirements but as Up'ing the cost of entry... ;)

12-19-2001, 04:54 PM
I run redhat 7.2, gcc 3 is not in it so i have to download it.. rpmfind do not list one for 7.2, so i download one called psd or something like that ..is that right .. it then says it depend son cpp 3 ??? i try to doawnload cpp and it comes up with load sof errors when i try ti install the rpm ???????

Ratt why are you doing this to me

12-19-2001, 07:15 PM
Hmmmm upping the cost of entry.... interesting spin on it. I admit that crossed my mind. But I think it might be a tad over the top if it wasn't really needed. It's just pushing my system too hard.

12-19-2001, 10:59 PM
I'll be honest. In part the move to g++3 was caused by the fact that 5-8+ compiler revs is a bit much to support, especially when you mix and match different Qt versions with them. Just too many different compiler bugs to work around. And since g++3 is much more standards conformant, has a much better optimizer, and (especially since 3.0.2) many bug fixes that actually end up effecting ShowEQ, and has been a much more stable for ShowEQ purposes, it's what we picked to standardize on.

As to qt-2.3.2, that's because it contains a fix for a bug that happens to have been causing crashes in many versions of ShowEQ. And rather than deal with the ad nauseum artificial crash complaints... :D

Zaphod (dohpaZ)

12-20-2001, 07:56 AM
So you pick a version of the compiler that almost no one has?
That is difficult to install for older linux distributions.
That is buggy (don't tell me it isn't, been working with gcc compilers too long to trust any new major release).
Thats brilliant, truly brilliant.

Sorry but it's a real pain in the ass here and I really haven't seen a good reason outside of raising the cost of entry to showeq. If that is the reason be honest about it.

It's not going to stop me, I'll have a new system installed and updated to 3.x and be happy as a clam again and hopefully I can contribute something to the project if you are open to new people. But for now I am irked.

12-20-2001, 08:55 AM
I learned Linux specificaly for Showeq. Been using Showeq since V 2.0.X. Im lucky enough to have a quality computer to run it on. P3 450 128 meg ram TNT2ultra. QT took 3.5 hours to compile. Showeq V4 took 30 minutes. Thats after i got the bogus LibEQ.a outa the path <bonk> I wouldnt know what "compile" ment if not for SEQ. While i can understand Yendors compaint with the new reqs. Yendor being a linux user before seq and prolly dealing with build/compiling/programing on a daily basis and not wanting to come home and have to spend 4 + hours getting a game enhancement software to run. But I look forward to it. Its what I am using to learn more about Linux. I would say that I play EQ for SEQ. not SEQ for EQ. IF SEQ when by. I wouldnt play EQ anymore. Althought I would then have to learn more about programing to keep the current installed version running.:)
I will always search linux user groups or man pages or how toos to figure out Linux specific problems and only address SEQ issues here. I might ask a Linux question here if i couldnt figure it out on my own.

Thanks again for all the support to everyone on these boards. To the developers and all who worked on ShowEQ. Great work on v4. so far its running well and stable for me.


12-20-2001, 09:13 AM
I've got an old Redhat 7.1 box. It only took me about an hour to find and install everything I needed to get v4 working. Well, QT 2.3.2 took about forever to compile but you don't have to sit around and watch :)

12-20-2001, 09:17 AM
damn was hoping the compile wouldn't be long.. just compiling gcc then i gotta do qt.. lol..

12-20-2001, 09:20 AM
Don't forget to ./configure -thread or you'll be compiling it twice like me :)

12-20-2001, 09:23 AM
Ouch.. i saw that in the INSTALL file but wasn't exactly sure how to pass it to the compiler.. Thanks alot!

02-28-2003, 07:44 PM

02-28-2003, 08:04 PM
Wow oldie...where'd you dig this up at and why?


02-28-2003, 08:30 PM
Bumping old threads is lame.