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View Full Version : What exactly do the packets capture?

05-29-2003, 08:41 PM
Before I go into my own eq sniffing crusade, I was wondering what can and cannot be decoded right now?

Specifically, can the bazaar 'search' results be seen? can chat windows be seen? would it be possible to send a packet to the server (even tho the EQ.exe client wouldnt be sending it)?

Thats all for now, just curious =)

Great little app for what it does - but I think this tech could be used for much more :p

05-30-2003, 04:25 PM
Well, actually, you may be in the wrong forum. MySEQ sniffs memory. ShowEQ sniffs packets. You'll probably be slammed in some fashion if you go there and just chirp up asking the same thing there. Do a search on "packets" in those forums, read all that pops up, broaden your search with what you have learned then go look at the source code.

These projects have evolved as such that what you ask is not easy to answer fully in a reasonable time. You need to do some research then maybe you'll have answered much yourself. If not then you should be in a position to formulate a better question with your new knowledge.

05-30-2003, 04:28 PM
which is why i asked first =)

i was browsing through the showeq code, i thought the windows version was some sort of port. well now i know =)