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05-31-2003, 09:36 AM
Is it so that the MySEQ project still developes new stuff, and one need to get the latest source from CVS and compile onself?

And if so.. Does it work with the 1.9b server?

I should be able to compile the client software myself since i got the .NET package, but the server software seems a tad worse to me (No C++ whatever dev. installed here).

Recomendations? Or am i overlooking sumtin?

(BTW. MySEQ works fine as it is now.. aint that, but since you still developing new functions, it might be fun to still be on the tracks..)

06-01-2003, 12:20 PM
Yes, Yes and Yes.

However you need this library to build it now:

06-03-2003, 03:58 AM
Any chance that the new Clients and Server updates will be releases as executables (without having to compile them) for the people who lack the compilers ? =)

06-03-2003, 11:36 AM
They will be released as executables when I get the time. There's a couple more bugs I want to get rid of then it'll be posted.

06-15-2003, 06:01 AM
Talking about CVS... I got the myseq client compiled thanx to the above tip, but it did not work with the currently released exe of the server..

Does the server/client software always work "hand-in-hand"? Ie. that you have to compile the server software to use the newest cvs client?