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View Full Version : update showeq from > 1 year ago?

06-02-2003, 05:42 AM
I havn't touched seq since just before it first 'broke' when sony decided to start their war. I'm just wondering what I need to do to get it working again? I remember there being some installation instructions for redhat 7.3 but I used the search and couldn't find them (probably be out of date now anyway).

What do I need to download/update? I'm not a linux guru unfortunately.

06-02-2003, 06:18 AM
If you are still running RH 7.3, the best thing to do is just install RH 8 or 9. ShowEQ now requires gcc 3+ and Qt 3.0.5+, which RH 8 and 9 both come with standard. Check out the INSTALL.newbies file in the CVS portion of the site. If you load RH 8 or 9 you can ignore everything about installing Qt since you'll already have it. Just note which packages to install, grab the new Seq from CVS, and compile.

I installed a RH9 box from scratch this weekend to run Seq, and the whole thing took me under an hour. Would have been less but somehow I missed the qt-devel package and had to add it after the fact.

Also note, that as of yesterday, I still had to manually rename src/libeq.h to libEQ.h and also had to change a line of code in packet.cpp (line 38 if I recall) to reference libEQ.h instead of libeq.h. I expect these changes to be in CVS soon.

06-04-2003, 04:33 AM
Thanks, will have a go this weekend.. currently downloading RH9.