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View Full Version : New Problem ??

06-13-2003, 12:40 PM
I applied Thom's patch and SEQ was working fine until about 30 mins ago. Now all I get is Segmentation faults. This is the warning I am getting:

WARNING: CharProfileCode (006b) (dateLen:3926 !=sizeof(charProfileStruct):14302)!

Anyone else having this problem or is it just my noobness ?

06-13-2003, 12:48 PM
If you are getting that error, then you haven't patched correctly...

The patch requires the latest files from CVS, and then needs the patch applied.

(dateLen:3926 !=sizeof(charProfileStruct):14302)

This means that the structure size is 3926(which the patch fixes if you have the right file), but your version has the structure at 14302, which is an earlier version.

So just download the latest CVS, then apply the patch.

06-13-2003, 12:54 PM
Thank you for the quick reply. I will download the new cvs and repatch. Thanks again