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View Full Version : Once again SEQ Broken on test 6-25

06-25-2003, 05:50 PM
As of todays patch seq is not showing anything, im sure this will go to the live servers soon. Hope this isnt a sign of something bad.

06-25-2003, 08:36 PM
This one is interesting because it doesn't get packets at all.

the Pkt stays at 0.

Do not think I've seen that before. Usually it's an opcode change and shows data but not properly.

06-25-2003, 10:03 PM
What exactly does that mean? Massive packet structure changes? Or..?

06-26-2003, 08:32 AM
Could me a number of things. Probably a relatively minor change but at a very base level.

I'm not going to shout that the sky is falling, but it certainly is different than the last several months of changes. The way the problem sits makes it appear that the SEQ box isn't communicating with the EQ boxes.

06-26-2003, 10:51 AM
If you open up the network monitor under the FILE menu item it still shows some packet traffic, but other than that SEQ gets nothing, no console window messages at all.

06-26-2003, 01:03 PM
Well, it needs a new decode.cpp and it looks like some of the opcodes were renumbered. I didn't have a chance to look at anything past that.

07-01-2003, 02:29 AM
Has anyone taken a closer look at this and determined if it just needs a new decode.ccp and opcodes? or is something more bigger?

07-01-2003, 03:14 AM
At this point my next step is to start learning opcodes, how to find 'em, etc. I haven't started looking for guides and whathave you yet, as I'm still working on getting my methods of locating macroquest offsets down pat. Once I shore that up I'll turn my attention to working on updates for decode.cpp and structure changes on a patch by patch basis for test(prolly do structures for MQ as well :))

07-01-2003, 06:02 PM
Well, it's not a 5 minute fix like the last test update was. I haven't looked at it since then. I've been playing Galaxies. :)

07-03-2003, 06:18 AM
Seems this patch is going to the live servers on 7-9

07-04-2003, 05:10 AM

Upcoming for July 9th

By now, you've probably heard that we're working on our next expansion, The Lost Dungeons of Norrath. We're attempting some interesting new technology and some awesome new design ideas. Keep your eyes open for website updates about that.

But, this column isn't about expansions, it's about upcoming Live features, and we have plenty of them for you this month.

We've been working on a lot of zone revamps, both partial and more complete. Nine zones were updated this month for Live servers, and Legends will be getting a new revamp as well. That's a lot of zones! We're addressing issues in those zones that players have had concerns about, with the intent to make them a little more interesting and desirable to play in. Check them out; we think you'll like what we've done with the zones.

Oh, and for those of you that celebrate Independence Day, have a safe and explosive 4th!

Several partial zone revamps coming to the Live servers. Droga and Nurga will be moving from Legends to the Live servers with our next update. Along with those zones, we have completed partial revamps of several other zones: The Deep, Charasis (Howling Stones), Dragon Necropolis, Siren's Grotto, The Hole, The City of Mist, and Velketor's Labyrinth. We chose these zones to update based on feedback from players, and have implemented changes that will make these zones more entertaining to play in. If you haven't been to one of these zones in a while, you may want to go back and revisit them after our next update.

Grieg's End changes going to the Legends server. Grieg's End is one of the more interesting zones in EverQuest, but the original design made pursuing the content in this zone a bit complicated. The redesign includes new encounters, items, traps, and events that make the zone a challenge for the experience group, with plenty of events for a raid group. These changes will revitalize this zone and should make it one of the more popular places for characters of the appropriate level to visit.

Tradeskill trivial failures will be reduced. Obviously even a great master can make mistakes. EverQuest players, however, have expressed that they feel master tradeskillers fail on trivial items too frequently. We have reviewed the trivial failure chances and have made a change to the way they work. The greater the skill of the character relative to the skill needed to complete a recipe; the less likely he is to fail on a trivial recipe.

Damage Over Time Spell Foci update. We have implemented a change to focus items for Damage over Time (DoT) spells. Focus items improve aspects of certain spells when they are cast. Originally, DoT spells were included in a group of other spells that some focus items affected. But the nature of DoT spells is very different than other spells, and the affect of these focus items on DoT spells was not what we wanted it to be. To correct this, we have changed the Extended Affliction line to Burning Affliction, which cause DoT spells to do more damage, instead of having a longer duration.

New Imbue, Enchant, and Thicken spells will be introduced. Certain trade skill recipes rely on magic spells used to make normal items into magical items. To make creating these magical items a little more convenient, we will be introducing new Imbue, Enchant, and Thicken spells that create five magical items rather than just one. These spells require five components and take longer to cast and use more mana, but they should make creating these items much more convenient.

Newbie quests will be added for Erudites, Trolls and Ogres. New characters, especially if played by new players, need some time to get acquainted with the area surrounding their starting city. One of the best ways to get those characters out into the world is to send them on quests. We have been introducing new quests for new characters to each of the starting cities. The next update will include quests for young Trolls beginning in Neriak, Ogres in Oggok and for Erudites starting out in Erudin, completing the updated newbie quests for all races.

Area of Effect spells that do not affect your group in PvP will also not affect your Raid. Taking on large tasks on a PvP server can be complicated by the fact that Area of Effect spells damage your own raid and not just the monsters. It makes sense that since these spells do not affect your group on a PvP server, they should not affect your raid.

We've updated character creation descriptions. Players will now be able to right-click the class, race or statistic buttons during character creation to see a detailed explanation of the item clicked. This will help folks when making decisions about what they want their character to be.

Also, as a heads up to players that have created their own user interfaces for EverQuest, these are the interface files that we expect to change next week.


07-06-2003, 09:13 AM
Hi all, was curious if anyone has had any luck with the stream on test? The 9th is coming fast:)

07-07-2003, 07:05 AM
Doubt anyone has looked into it yet. No point. I assume 99% of the people who might look into it, will do so after the 9th.

07-07-2003, 07:24 AM
I think it makes not much sense to do that before it hits the life-servers, if you dont play on the test-server... it might change again before the patch is going life...

the only one from the dev people that i know, who was playing on the testserver was mvern, but i have not seen anything of him since he and some others fixed SEQ so that it works again without sniffer...

07-08-2003, 08:57 AM
When you say its broken on test, how broken are we talking? Does it still load the zone map and show dots for the spawns but just not decode them? Or is it broken in the fact that it segfaults the second anything starts?

07-08-2003, 09:03 AM
Like I said, the problem makes it look like the SEQ box does not see the EQ client/datastream. No spawns, no dots, no undecoded info, no map....

Not even packets counted in the status bar - that stays at zero.

07-08-2003, 09:42 AM
Spaz has it, SEQ is basically dead on test atm

07-08-2003, 09:45 AM
its broken in that (on mine at least) it doesn't segfault, but it displays nothing (no map, no spawns, no "player directional display", etc.) Its like it doesn't even recognize there are packets on the network.

edit: Yeah, like Spaz says ! (I shouldn't start a post, walk away for a while, then submit.)

07-08-2003, 12:34 PM
Thats why i was wondering if anyone has looked into it in the last week, I cant see them making last minute major changes to the structures.. but you never know:) All i know is i quit eq when LoY came out cause i hated not having seq, and never wanna do that again:)

07-08-2003, 01:45 PM
I wonder if maybe they changed the port EQ communicates on...

07-08-2003, 08:35 PM
patch was delayed till Thursday so you get a couplre more days to enjoy SEQ ;)