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08-01-2003, 01:42 PM
Help Me Please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok I feel like im gonna go nuts with this ! Heres the deal, I cant get MySeq to work properly. Heres what I did. Clean Install. I read the post titled "Sticky" Installing MySeq". I followed the steps to the letter. I downloaded .net framework and installed it. I then downloaded 1.12.zip client...1.9.b.zip server...I then downloaded maps.zip. I then installed everything to the correct directories shown. Now this is all running on 1 machine mind you, because i read that you can do that with Myseq and not ShowEQ. Ok anyways after all is installed, I started EQ and got all the way in, I then started the Server, I then started the Client, I went to the options and changed the ip address to (I also changed it to MY IP address when that didnt work) I then hit OK then I hit GO. What I got was A black box with a dot in the middle of it, and on the left was a list of blank boxes reserved for what should have been spawn and mob and zone information but was totally blank. Now i did get a map by accessing the get map file, but there was no interaction between the map and EQ at all. Please someone tell me what i need to do to get this working. I am new at programming and the only programming thing I have on my computer is Virtual C++ 6.0. Is there something I need to compile or whatever??? Dont flame me because I read and followed step by step your thread and didnt work for me so please elaborate on exactly how to get this up and runnin. I am running WinXP home on a cable modem 1.5 Ghz with a 60gig hard drive. HELP !!!!!!!

PS... I placed this on the RIGHT forum didnt I? My Show EQ? I did this before and it ended up on Show EQ forum and some DIMWIT couldnt just nicely say that I was in the wrong place.

08-01-2003, 02:35 PM
Sounds like you got everything set up right. Try to replace the .ini file with the current one in This (http://seq.sourceforge.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3747) thread. It is the latest offsets and is usually the problem when you get the black screen with the red dot.

Good Luck
